"Yeah Genevieve spill" Emma demanded also wiggling her perfect brows, great now look who is being teased.

"Stop it..... now you look like a clown witch "Gen whined making us laugh.

I took a moment to look at my amazing friends, what would I do without them? Jane with her heart-shaped face, fair skin, deep brown eyes, golden blonde hair, and a perfect slim figure. Her entire aura shouts queen, beauty, and riches.

And Emma.....those almond-shaped mahogany brown eyes.Her brunette hair which she usually cuts short, but is long now, am sure she's gonna cut it after some time. Her glass-like porcelain skin. she has this unsettling slim figure though very attractive, even skinnier than Gen. Sometimes I worry she might break, I'm the chubbiest of us all.

As we chatted along we heard squeals of excitement coming from the girls, we turned to see what their annoying squeal was about just to see Xsquad's Mercedes SUV pulling over, looking all fancy and sleek.

I rolled my eyes at the dramatic and love-sick girls. They are so lovesick that back in freshman year, a girl confessed her feelings to Blaze one of the Xsaquad, and he rejected her. Guess what the stupid girl did.....she attempted suicide claiming that her life was ruined, but the girl's parents saved her before she went up to meet her maker. After she resumed school many students were teasing and bullying her so she had to transfer to another school. Yeah, I know.....crazy right? that's how lovesick they are.

The Benz pulled over and I noticed Alex to be the one driving,seesh! dramatic entrance much.

Alex came down first, his posture straight and majestic, his stormy gray eyes and dirty blonde hair became brighter with the sun rays hitting it. His razor-sharp jawline paired with his muscled build makes him look mature and poise.

Blaze followed after, they call him the Korean Greek god because his mom is Korean. He has black hair but he always dyes the tip silver. His extremely fair skin makes the guys tease him by calling him Snow White. His light brown eyes are almost golden with the bright sun and his signature killer smirk. His whole aura screams beauty and aristocracy.

Then came Ace, his brunette hair slicked back with a few front strands falling on his face. His enthralling dark green eyes resemble an emerald gemstone.his skin has a natural red flush to it makes him pleasing to the eye. He emanates an intimidating aura

At the same time Ace alighted, Ice climbed down from the other side, he has his usual cold and stoic expression that shouts "All be damned", but when he is around us he is always so stupid. Anyway, he has almond-shaped deep ocean blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair styled in an attractive haircut. His mild lips have the upper lip fuller than the lower. His fair-skinned face has freckles right on the nose and cheekbones. You have to admit, he is quite the stud.

Alec came next, his sandy brown hair styled neatly and at the same time disheveled, covering
half of his forehead and giving him a half fringe. It complements his noticed skin tone. His brown eyes were just the same color as his hair.

Haze followed, his golden blonde hair slicked back with some strands falling to cover his right eye. He has fair skin just like his twin Emma.

Last but not the list, my bestie Felix has....perfect set of light green eyes and obscurely tanned skin. His dark brown hair which he usually cuts or grows to be shoulder length adds up to his Mexican-American handsomeness.

Look at me studying all his features when I say he is ugly...HA...I laughed to myself.

As they took vigorous strides towards us, the students giving them a way to pass, when they came close enough we all exchanged pleasantries.

"Hey gorgeous....how was your break...most have been boring without me around," Ice said to Gen as if he wasn't the guy who was just emanating cold waves.

"Mr cold my break could have been less spectacular if you were around"Gen replied wrapping her arms around his neck.

I can feel the jealous-filled glares but I choose to ignore them.

"Hey beautiful, what were you smiling at ...you that happy to see me?" Felix said drawing my attention to him.

"Hump...you wish," I said flipping my ponytail, making his smile drop. He was about to reply when the blonde witch interrupted... Ugh, trouble in paradise.

Katherine Laurier  swayed her way to Felix, her main equally witchy minion Madeline Vowlyn
trailing behind, along with some other temporary minions, about six in number, which she can discard anytime she feels like it.
Am sure they practiced that style of walking....how do they live in such a manner? I know I can't it's too stressful.

"Felixy," Katherine said in an annoying high-pitched voice that made me winch, wrapping her slender arms around Felix's neck. He irritatingly pushed her away like a plague causing her to pout.

"Don't touch me Katherine..." he said in a pinned tone.

"Come on my love....I'll take it as if I didn't just hear that 'cause I believe you'll come around" she retorted rolling her eyes which made me roll mine.

"What's with you and the eye roll? I see the three musketeers are still sticking to our Xsquad to see what they can get, what a pity they are all dirty chewed gum...humph!! stop wasting your time" criticized Katherine directing hateful gazes at Emma, Gen, and me.
I would refute but I don't entertain mad dogs..the same can't be said for Emma and Jane though...see they don't shut up, especially Gen.

"Did you hear that Emma the Mad Dog has spoken we better listen before she infects us with her madness" Gen said fist bumping as we chuckled.

"What did I just hear.." she started but Ace interrupted.

"Just go Kathrine "he scoffed.

"I didn't speak to you now did I handsome?..what is it with the gloomy expression anyway" she said in a less spiteful tone, more flirtatious.

"Don't you understand human language Katherine?..leave?" said Felix his eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"Yeah whatever I'm already leaving....and Felix you'll come around," she said flipping her blonde hair and swaying away, her stupid minion just had to repeat what she said.

"You'll come around," said Madeline.
Oh my God, I'm perfectly sure he heard!! the rest of her minions humped as they swayed away in their practiced style. The sassy b****es won't be the death of me.

"What a pain in the neck, "Alec said with a squeezed face.

"I know right" we all mumbled under our breaths.

Ring!!! ring!!! ring!!!!

The bell to the assembly rang and we all made our way to the auditorium
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XOXO our lovelies❤️

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