Chapter Five

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Kat's P.O.V]
Flashback (time when Kat was younger)-

Left"  He sneers and his fist connects with my 12 year old jaw as I fail to comply. My eyes were covered and I was waiting for my senses to take hold.

"Use your goddamn senses, Kat" He says and I leap catching my father in my grasp. His growl vibrates through my chest and in that moment I had never felt so much adrenaline. Time seemed to slow as I could feel his presence make every hair stand on my body. I was very aware of his fist flying just below my rib. With a twist I advert his tactics and take him down. His large body crumbles and I grin pulling off my blindfold.

My father, however, was less than impressed. "Get cleaned up" He grunts before heading back inside. Leaving me with a throbbing jaw, and an ache in my heart. An ache that I could never surpass.

Everything rushes back and my heart beats heavily in my chest. The female lets out a blood curling scream as warm crimson liquid bathes me from head to toe. I look down in utter disbelief, at the crumbled body of the male who had challenged me.

Another presence has my nostrils flaring, my predatory gaze scoping my surroundings. Familiar green eyes watch me, swirling with hidden emotions. I snarl, my wolf unnerved by my mate seeing what had just happened. I was to ashamed to face him, so I did the only thing I could think of. I walked away.

No matter how hard I tried I could never run away from my past. My father would always haunt me. The monster he had created will always prevail above the rest.

My thoughts run back to Elias. Oh what he must think of me now.

I pull off the soiled clothes and bile finds it's way up my throat. I collapse in front of the toilet, my body emptying everything in my system. Images of the dead wolf flashed in my head. I had never ripped apart another wolf, the worst I had ever done was break a bone. Sure that was gross but this was different. I had lost my humanity for a split second and now I would be haunted by it for a long time.

I run the bath and allow my body to fall into it, ignoring the fact that I was still wearing my undergarments, and somehow find the scalding water soothing.  My eyes stare forward refusing to let the tears out, to hold it all inside. I couldn't scrub hard enough, the traces of what I had done burned into my skin. I allow my head to slip under the water, my eyes closing. Silence greeted me as I did so. The silence was so deafening that I never wanted to come back up, I didn't want reality to crash back in.  The reality that I had just hurt someone, no, murdered them.

My lungs burned with the lack of oxygen, my mind becoming foggy, my muscles relax into this state, my body was content. I'm suddenly bursting through the surface, coughing up the water I had inhaled. My lungs sucking in as much air it could intake.

"God damnit, breath Kat. BREATH" Someone says, my body being craddled into a warm chest. Tingles overwhelm me and I'm shoving at the chest of the person holding me. Hazel eyes peer deeply into mine, the white centers sending chills down my body.

"What were you thinking?" Elias asks, his arms surrounding my waist.

"Taking a bath, what do you think you're doing?" I ask leaning against my knees for support.

"I could feel-, my lungs-" He explains but no matter he couldn't seem to form the words. His eyebrows furrow before his face hardens.

"If you thought killing yourself would get my attention, it did" he says folding his arms.

"I was taking a bath Elias" I say denying what I knew was obvious.

"Oh and what you just happened to slip under the surface and not come back up?" He accuses, his voice raising.

"You. don't. know. me." I seethe, my voice dangerously low.

"Oh for the love of god, stop using that on me. I never once claimed that I knew you Kat. I could feel you drowning, stop being so fucking selfish and admit you were trying to end your life. Is this about what happened earlier? Me saying I didn't want you? Grow up Kat, this is childish." He says his nostrils flaring with aggression.

"Oh yes Elias, because everything's about you. Like I said before I wasn't trying to kill myself, I just had to much to drink" I lie.

"There's still dew on the ground Kat. I may be blind but I'm not stupid, it's early as hell" he says, his eyebrows drawing together in thought.

"Some people find drinking to soothe the nerves" I say pulling on a shirt.

"Some people? What about you?" He says his voice low.

"Speaking of which what are you doing in my house so early in the morning?" I demand, completely dodging the question.

His cheeks show a hint of pink and I stare at him baffled. "I was-. I was just-" he says scratching the back of his neck.

"I saw you following me." I say crossing my arms.

"I had to see you. It's this damn mate bond." he says roughly.

"If you wanted to spend more time with me you could have just asked. But you were the one that said you didn't want me" I tease before my posture turns rigid once more.

"You're so damn frustrating" he growls out in annoyance and I grin gleefully. Wait, why was I grinning I hated him.

"Leave me alone" I say turning away from him.

"I can't that's the point Kat. I can't stay away from you. The mate pull has been very demanding" he grumbles.

My jaw hardens "So you didn't want to see me. It was just the mate pull" I clarify.

"Exactly" He answers and my temper flares.

"Get the hell out of my house" I demand through gritted teeth.

"What?" He asks cocking his head to the side, as if he hadn't heard me correctly.

"Get. Out" I say shoving his burly body through the doorway.

"I just want to help you" he says lowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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