Memory lane

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Ash sat in a seat as Sandy was messing with the controls on the boat. She groaned in bordeum as she slipped out of the seat and fell to the ground. Mo meowed in concern as he sat on Sandy's shoulders as Sandy stopped what he was doing and looked over at Ash. "Oww." Ash grumbled before getting up and blinking slowly. "I'm so bored." Ash complained as she hopped back into the chair and stared at the Flaming Mountains. "Why don't you go train with your axe?" Sandy offered with a kind smile, Ash sighed and pulled back her sun glasses she was wearing. They were small, of course, but she began to clean them with her shirt. "Tang took it. He said I'm not aloud to touch it or else I'll be grounded when we get home."

"Oh, makes sense." Sandy said as he sat in his big chair and looked at Ash. "So, how did you meet MK?" Sandy asked, Ash stopped and looked up at the water ogre in confusion. "What?" Ash asked in confusion. "Oh, it's just, you said you met MK back when you got into school fights. Pigsy told me often about them but we started losing communication when his Noodle shop got busy. I'm not upset, shows he knows the responsablitties of being a parent who owns a store!" Sandy said with a grin, Mo meowed in aggrement. Ash laughed dryly and looked at the sunglasses, looking at her dimmed reflection. "I guess I could tell you, not like I got anything better to do." Ash said as she put her sunglasses back on and looked at Sandy with a smirk.

"It kinda started around the end of me and MK's junior year..."

Some years ago...

Younger Ash was standing infront of her locker, her sliver hair with brown roots tied up in a dutch braid. She was wearing black ripped jeans with a silver chain lopped around the belt holes. She was wearing a "Chemical Romance" hoodie that was a tint of gray. But the sleeves were rolled up to reveal her red hollow out, fingerless gloves. Ash was putting some books into her bag before closing it and walking off to her next class. She had the bag hanging on one shoulder and walked around the somewhat empty halls.

Ash looked up and stopped as she saw a crowd of students surrounding something, Ash raised a brow and walked over. Some students reconized her and quickly got out of ther way, yelling and mocked laugther soon reaching Ash's ears. Ash stopped behind some students and watched quietly, frowning when she saw some popular bullies surrounding some kid who was agaisnt some lockers. They didn't seem to be physically hurting him in anyway, so Ash figured she'd walk off and maybe get a teacher to handle this. Ash didn't need to get into the principals office again.

 "Who's getting picked on today?" A student whispered to another. "I don't know, some kid calling himself a Demi-boy." Ash stopped right where she was and listened to the gossip. "Yeah, the guy was putting some LGBTQ+ support posters up. Luka saw them and here we are." Ash turned to the kid and bullies again, trying to stop herself and think logically. "Aw, is the little disgrace crying?" One of the bullies taunted, that's it. Ash turned around and shoved her way through the students. "HEY!" Ash yelled as she grabbed one of her books. One of the bullies looked up, only for a book to be thrown at him. "Huh?" The bully said to himself as he caught the book and looked at it.

"Heads up" was written on a paper that was tapped to the books cover. He looked up and felt the punch Ash delivered to his gut. Anger fueled Ash's body and she watched the bully hit the ground with a groan. She turn to the other two and saw them running to her, Ash quickly opened her bag and waited for one the bullies to try and hit her two, only for Ash to quickly shove the bag onto his head and kick him towards the students. They all gasp and moved out of the way, the bully running into some lockers and quickly knocking himself out. Ash scoffed but was then punch in the face, causing her to hit the ground.

Ash groaned and wiped her mouth, a drop of blood dripped out of her mouth as she looked up. Luka glaring at her as the other kid was still sitting on the ground. Ash narrowed her eyes as she got up, Luka smirking as he watched her stand. "You missed yesterdays fight, why are you attacking now?" Luka said as he cracked his knuckles. "The hell does it matter." Ash said before running up to him and trying to punch Luka. But he moved and tripped Ash, causing her to fall in front of the bullied kid. Ash groaned as she pushed herself up, watching Luka laugh.

She narrowed her eyes before getting an idea. "Rule 3!" She said as she kicked his crotch. Luka gasped and groaned in pain as he held his crotch. Ash quickly got up and punched Luka's face, watching him hit the ground as he was holding his nose. "Y-you broke it!" Luka yelled as he faced Ash with an angered look. "And you were bully a Demi-boy. I think you deserved it." Ash said with a frown, Luka got up and looked at the students surrounding everone. "What are you guys looking at?!" Luka yelled, the students all yelped and ran away. Even Luka's goons ran off, Ash's bag was left on the ground. "Wha- not you idiots!"

Luka growled under his breath and looked at Ash, who cracked her knuckles as a form of a silent threat. Luka scoffed and got up. "You'll pay for this, stupid Turner." Luka said as he tried to walk away. But Ash quickly tripped him with a glare. "It's Noodles, a-hole." Ash said, Luka got up again and walked off. Ash huffed and looked at her bag, quickly grabbing it and looking over to the kid again. He was just watching her in amazement. "What?" Ash grumbled as she stood up. "O-oh, sorry." The kid said as he stood up and grabbed his stuff. "I-i'm just surprised you stood up for me!" The kid said, Ash scoffed and put on starp on her shoulder.

"Well, not gonna let Luka bully kids like us. See you around." Ash said as she turned and walked off, the kid seemed confused until he saw the pins on her bag. A pansexual and demi-girl pin were placed on the pencil back on the bag. The kid smiled but then looked at Ash again. "My name's MK!" The kid yelled, Ash stopped and turned to younger MK. "Just, y'know. Incase you wanted a friend." MK said nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. Ash blinked but then scoffed with a smirk. "Mine's Ashley, but everyone calls me Ash." Ash said with a grin and turned back. Both were smiling, until the speakers turned on.

"Ashley Noodles, please report to the office at once." Ash groaned in annoyance before slinging the other strap on and walking off. Grumbling things under her breath as she marched off. MK looking at her with a frown before he turned to the cameras and suddenly got an idea.


"No." Ash said as she, Pigsy and Tang sat in the principals office. "I'm not apologizing to the brawn-headed Luka." Ash said as she folded her arms across her chest. "Ashley, this isn't up for discussion." The principal said as he tapped his desk. Ash rolled her eyes as her grip tightened in her balled hands. "That bozo was bullying a demi-boy. What did you expect me to do?!" Ash said as she sat up. "I think both me and your parents expected you to go and get a teacher. Just like I expect everyone else to do." The Principal said as he held both of his hands. "Yeah, except they were all just standing there and watched Luka." Ash grumbled in annoyance.

Before anyone else could say anything, a knock was heard from the door. The door was opened to reveal the principal assistant. "Uh sir? There's a student would like the add on to this talk." She said, the princpal nodded and the door was opened to reveal a young Mei and MK. "W-we came to show you this video I took." Mei said as MK was holding onto her jacket sleeve.

Pack to present time....

"Then the video showed I was walking away at first before delivering the pummeling those idiots deserved!" Ash said as she punched her open hand. Both Mo and Sandy nodded at this. "Huh, that explains why you wanted to come with him before." Sandy said, Ash nodded before she looked out the window and gasped. Pigsy and Mei were walking towards the boat, Ash quickly jumped out of her seat and dashed out the boat. "Baba! Mei, you guys are back!" Ash said as she slid down the boarding ramp, but she noticed the sad looks on their faces.

"Hey, where's MK?" Ash nervously as Mei and Pigsy looked at eachother and then Ash again. "Ash.... something happened."

Monkie Kid || Vol. 1||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ