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While MK and Ash had returned back home, Redson had been found by Kamilia. Kamilia was looking at her phone as she was standing on the streets, turning her head towards a loud grunt and a crash. Kamilia put her phone into her satchel she had been carrying and walked towards the sound, finding herself in an alleyway. Redson was in it and was hitting his head against the wall. Kamilia walked up to her younger brother and gripped onto his shoulder. "I don't recommend that, you mind cause yourself a concussion." Kamilia said as Redson shifted his gaze to her.

"Why does it matter, I failed to capture the Noodle boy and the silver haired girl." Redson mumbled as he glared at the wall. Kamilia looked at the wall and held the necklace she was wearing again. "You can't make an empire without making a few mistakes." Kamilia said, Redson looked at her in confusion. "Father didn't become the demon he did today without making mistakes. He learned from them and tried to go beyond." Kamilia said and looked at Redson again, her expression still blank.

"You didn't make that gauntlet without using notes you made from previous attempts. Don't let this one defeat drag you down." Kamilia said as he arms went back to her side. Redson sighed and hugged Kamilia, Kamilia didn't seem bothered and returned the hug, her expression was still blank. "Thank you, sister." Redson said, Kamilia only nodded. The two let each other go after a few moments, then Redson teleported both siblings back to their lair. Now with a newfound confidence, Redson devised a plan to make his father a set of Armor that would make him powerful once more.

It didn't take long as Redson was wielding the last pieces together on his father. Kamilia waiting on the outside bank of lava that surrounded Redson and DBK. As Kamilia was watching Redson's actions, DBK stared at his daughter. It was almost like he was trying to figure something out, maybe it was because Kamilia didn't react to DBK's arrival like Redson did. DBK's thoughts were then silenced as Redson turned off the wielding gun and flipped the mask up. "And that should about do it." Redson said as he stepped back whilst DBK raised his clawed hand. "It's, heavy." DBK said as he gripped his hand. He then proceeded to get up as Redson walked back to his sister, he had already put his tools away.

"That's because it's not powered up, yet." Redson said nervously at first. "The suit absorbs energy to create energy." Redson said as he turned his back towards his father. "And what better source than the Monkie king's staff that kept you underground?" Redson said, trying to fuel his father's need for revenge. "You mean the staff that you lost?!" DBK said with a raged expression. Kamilia opened her mouth to say something, but DBK glared at her. "I don't want to hear your excuses, child." DBK said, Kamilia closed her mouth and only looked at him.

Redson began to stutter as he tried to find a good explanation, but it was pointless. He suddenly stopped and turned as he heard Princess Iron-fan's dark chuckle from behind, she was using her wind powers to hover in the air. "Oh, don't toy with him, my love. We will get it back." She said as Princess Iron-fan landed gracefully on the ground. "I have bull-clones scouring the city." She said as she flicked her air and looked at her nails. "It's only a matter of time." Princess Iron-fan said as she seemed pleased with herself. "And while we wait, the furnace can convert other things into energy!" Redson said as he threw his mask into his father's chest piece.

The armor glimmered orange for a moment before a burst of fire came through the piece, now it was glowing bright. As it lit, DBK yelled loudly, a giant gust of wind following short behind. "The more rare the item, the more powerful father will become! And once we have that staff, we will be unstoppable!" Redson yelled while Princess Iron-fan smirked. Once the power was added to DBK's armor, he sighed and sat back onto his throne. He raised his hand and five screens appeared in front of him.

"Nice touch." Kamilia whispered to her brother, who smiled as DBK looked at the items. "Now to find something rare. And expensive." DBK said as he swiped through the items, stopping on a panel that showed limited time only shoes. "Something that will give me the power I deserve." DBK said as he stared at the screen again. "I do have quick request, father." Redson said, DBK looked up at Redson and Kamilia. "Your daughter, Lady Siren, has had this necklace stuck on her. It limits her abilities, and no amount of power can get it off." Redson said as he grabbed Kamilia by her arms and pulled her closer.

Princess Iron-fan bit her lip at the mention of the necklace. DBK diminished the panels away and took a closer look at Kamilia. DBK hummed as he looked at the necklace, Kamilia remained still as Redson smiled nervously. "How long has she had it on?" DBK asked Redson, who stepped back from Kamilia. "A couple of years after your imprisonment." DBK looked at Kamilia, who only stared at DBK with a blank expression. "I was hoping that once you have absorbed Monkie King's staff, you could get it off?" Redson asked, Princess Iron-fan looked nervously at her husband.

"Very well." DBK said, Redson smiled brightly as Princess Iron-fan sighed quietly. "But both you and your sister must assist me in gaining these." DBK said as he summoned the panel again to reveal the limited time only shoes. "If I want to rule this pathetic world, I must not look like an idiot among my soon to be subjects." DBK demanded as Kamilia and Redson looked at the panel. Redson smiled as Kamilia stared at the panel, a surge of hope running through her.


"Mr. Tang!" MK yelled as he shot up next to the scholar, who spat out some of his noodle broth from being spooked. Ash sighed and went to go grab a rag to clean up the mess. Of course, it was pointless as MK ran behind the main counter and began to toss things around in search of something. "Remember the story you told me this morning? About the Demon Bull King?"  MK said as Ash yelped and ran to grab everything that was tossed, placing them onto the ground and jumping to grab the next object. "Where is it, where is it, where is it?!" MK yelled as he stood his actions and looked around at the dirty dishes Pigsy was in the process of cleaning. Ash sighed in relief as she stood up with a glass bowl in hand.

"MK-" Ash was suddenly interrupted by MK once he found what he was looking for. "AH! There is it!" MK said as he grabbed his Monkie King book, it was under a tall tower of glass bowls. "The Demon bull king, see!!" MK said desperately, Ash yelped and ran to the tower of bowls that began to fall. But she tripped and watched the bowls crash onto the ground. Ash groaned in defeat and hit her head against the ground, Pigsy and Mei walking in. "Wha- kid?! What are you doing to me?!" Pigsy yelled as Mei held his back, her face holding a nervous expression. "Yes?" Tang said with a muffled voice, he was still eating his noodles as Pigsy just gave up against Mei's grip.

"Wha' about him?" Tang said after taking another sip of his noodles. Ash got up and began to put the things away that MK had thrown as MK tackled Tang. "The Demon Bull King is back! The Legend it real, the Monkie King's staff is removed! We have to find him! It's the only way to save everyone before the world is destroyed-" MK kept yelling in tangs face and got close with each sentence, until Tang pushed him back with a pair of chop sticks Tang hand been using. "Boy, relax. You're getting spit in my soup." Tang said with annoyance. "Besides, your delusional. It's just a story." Tang said matter-factly as MK stood back, Ash finally popped up from behind the counter with a sigh of relief as she had put everything back.

"Delusional, huh?" MK said with a annoyed glare. "Would you call this, delusional?" MK said with a smug grin, pulling out the stolen Monkie King's staff. Ash sighed and rubbed her brow, there was no way they'd believe him. Mei, Pigsy and Tang all looked at the staff in either annoyed confusion, a deadpanned expression or a confused smile. "Wow MK, you found a stick!" Mei said with a bright smile. "NO! It's Monkie King's staff!" MK yelled desperately, but the three only laughed at MK. MK sagged in defeat as Ash looked at MK sadly. "You aren't listening! Demon Bull King is out there. We have to get the staff back to the Monkie King!" MK yelled as he flaed around like child, Tang and Mei returning to her phone and his noodles.

"It's the real deal, I'll prove it!" MK yelled as Pigsy and Ash were the only ones looking at him. "Oh yeah? How?" Pigsy said with arms folded across his chest, Mei and Tang's attention back on MK. MK looked back at the staff as he began to wonder what the staff could do exactly. Sure, he was a massive Monkie king fan, but there wasn't anything that said what the staff could do exactly. His question was then answered as the staff pushed back for a second before stretching forward and landing on the table Mei and Tang were sitting at, breaking the table as everyone stood in a stunned silence.

Monkie Kid || Vol. 1||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن