planning Press conference

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The week carried on as if it was normal. MJ and Ned started to fall into some sort of routine and created a bond with the avengers while they were there. Shuri had become a prominent member of their group. They all decided that it would be perfect if they added her to the group chat that they had. Already being fond of Spidey and her new friends Shuri decided to make them brackets like she had, while Peter gave them the latest stark phone which was yet to be released to the public with the most high-end features that any previous stark phone had.

While the friendship of the four teens grew to unimaginable heights, the dreaded press conference for Peter's reveal had to be planned. While Peter would love to not hide his actual identity from the world, he loved the quiet and peaceful life he lived outside of his home and his role as Spiderman. When he was at school he was just a normal teenage boy, who wasn't popular, was deemed a nerd and loved science and robotics. He liked that aspect of his life. Sure getting bullied wasn't fun but he didn't mind as long as no one else was the victim.

Right now it was Friday afternoon and school just finished.

As the three teens walked to Peter's car MJ asks "Spidey how are you feeling about the press conference?"

"I don't know MJ. I'm happy that I won't need to hide my true identity anymore but it'll become so much harder to be spiderman and people will start looking at me differently and I don't want that. I don't know what to do," Peter says

"Well on the bright side if you think about the press conference isn't till next Sunday right? You have the entirety of next week to prepare right and this weekend," ned says

"It's just that the date has been set, we still don't know how we are going to announce the fact the Starks' son was right in front of the entire time and I don't even know if I want to reveal that I'm spiderman or not," Peter whines

"Look Spidey, whatever happens on the day of the conference we'll be at your side like we've always been over these past couple of years, and so will your parents and the rest of the Avengers. For now, let's get home," MJ says

Nodding the three teens get into the car but before they pull out of the car park, they hear Flash saying "Yo Peins where are you going?" 

"What do you want Flash? We just want to go home, unlike your last arse we actually have shit to do at home and if you don't mind we'll be going now," Peter says driving away from his childhood bully

Afterwards, the rest of the ride back to the tower was filled with jokes and messing around. Walking into the lobby of SI, Peter wasn't his usual bubbly self and the staff noticed no matter how much he assured them he was fine.

Even F.R.I.D.A.Y tired yo check up on Peter during the elevator ride up to the penthouse "MS are you okay? Do I need to inform Mr Stark of anything?"

"I'm fine Fri. Just thinking I promise and no need to tell dad," Peter says for the 20th time in the past 15 minutes

"Well do you need me to do anything else?" The AI asks

"Well, could you please ask dad and the other to come to the common please?" Peter requests

"Sure thing," the reply came

As soon as the three teens step out of the elevator into the common they see all of the avengers look at Peter with worry. They all sit down and Peter tells them about what's been bothering him. Over the course of the next couple hours leading up to dinner everyone chips in ideas for the press conference the next weekend.

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