Meet Princess Shuri Of Wakanda

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At the end of dinner, Peter says "I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep. F.R.I.D.A.Y can show ned and MJ their way back" 

"Peter didn't you say you were going to go on Patrol," Natasha reminds her nephew

"Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me Auntie Nat," peter says activating his suit.

"Fri, open the window here, please," Tony says so that his son could go on patrol

"Done," the AI replies

"Thanks, dad. Karen, can you please open the window of my room? And if Ned and MJ need anything make sure they are attended to," Peter says as he swings out of the compound into the streets of New York

Peter spends the next 2 hours patrolling, stopping a few robberies as well as helping some elderly. When he got back to the compound as promised his window was open and he climbed back in.

Showering and getting into more comfortable clothes, Peter grabs his school bag and heads off into the common room on his floor, to find his two friends sitting there and doing their work.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing?" Peter asks plopping down on the sofa next to Ned

"Just finishing some homework. When did you get back?" Ned replies

"15 minutes ago. I just showered before I came here," peter replies "how come you guys aren't working in your rooms?"

Shrugging MJ replies "We thought it'd be easier if we do work together."

"Okay cool. Well, I'm going to pull an all-nighter since it's the weekend. Do you guys want to also pull one? I mean you don't have since I'll mostly be just completing some work for my PhD and the homework we got," peter asks

"Sounds fun. What things do you have to do whenever you get free time?" MJ asks

"Well I'm usually with the guys upstairs gaming or watching a movie," Peter replies

"Do you have anything else to do?" MJ asks not really wanting to go back upstairs 

"Well I have to be in my lab for a while to do something for PhD so if you guys want you can tinker with some things, maybe work on the notes that you working on for uncle Bruce," Peter suggests

"Sounds like a plan," Ned says

And the trio head off into the comfort of Peter's lab for the next couple of hours and dives into the world of science and engineering.

(The next morning)

Karen's voice rings out saying "Peter, your mother wants, you, Ned and MJ to get ready in some presentable clothes and come to the common room in the penthouse."

Nodding to his friends peter replies with a tired "Tell mum we'll be up in 15 minutes."

Getting up from where he was situated he went over to his friends and woke them up. They had fallen asleep a couple of hours prior and didn't wake up despite their uncomfortable position. Waking up they enquired what the matter was. 

"Mum wants us to be upstairs in the common room, we got 15 minutes," peter replied walking off to his room to get dressed, both his friends followed shortly after him 

As promised Peter and his two best friends were in the common room 15 minutes later and were greeted by Natasha "Morning MJ, Ned, and маленький паук."

The three teens reply with a Lazy "good morning." 

As they enter the kitchen they see that the entire family is there and Peter asks "Mum, you said it was something urgent when you called us up. Is everything alright?"

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