My friends meet my messed-up family

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"Uncle Bruce?" Peter calls over his shoulder 

"yes, Peter?" the scientist asks as he walked toward the other two teens and the hologram 

"MJ and I just finished some minor changes, for now. We still have some changes to make we took some notes, We'll stop by tomorrow and finish them off so that Ned can make the changes in the code," Peter says to his uncle 

grinning from ear to ear Bruce replies "That's perfect, thank you boys, thank you MJ."

"Sorry to interrupt you Dr Banner, but Mr Rodgers has requested you upstairs to make dinner and Mrs Stark would like the trio to head on up to her office real quick," The AI's voice resounds throughout the room 


"Of course F.R.I.D.A.Y, please tell steve that I'm coming up after I clean up and pepper that I'm sending them up now," Bruce says to the AI

"All done DR," the response came

"Okay it seems that you guys are being summoned by the oh very famous Pepper Stark and you might want to go if you don't want to have an angry mother following you," Bruce says smiling at the trio 

"Thank you, Uncle Bruce, see you at dinner," Peter says waving at his uncle 

"Thank you for letting me help Dr Banner. See you at dinner," Ned says a full-on grin plastered on his face 

"Thank you for having us in your Lab Dr Banner, and for trusting us with one of your projects. See you at dinner," MJ says with a smile of her own 

After thanking the scientist the trio walk toward the elevator. 

Once Inside Peter asks "Fri? Could you please take us up to Mum's office?" 

"Sure MS," F.R.I.D.A.Y replies 

On their way up to Pepper's office, Mj asks Peter "Pete? Why is it that Fri calls you MS? What does it mean?" 

Shrugging Peter replies "Well, the interns and employees here who knew me since I was a kid call me MS because they think of it Mini Stark. Whereas the newer ones either call me, Peter, Dr Stark or MS- for Master of science."

"Why DR Stark?" Ned asks 

"well, I have a PhD in nuclear physics and Chemical engineering. I'm currently working on my 3rd PhD in mechanical engineering. Hence the DR stark," Peter replies 

"You have a PhD!?" Both MJ and Ned shout at their friend causing him to slightly flinch

"Yes, he does. Now he'll explain all that to you guys later probably after dinner but right now, you will be assigned your work while you intern/ work here at SI. Now if you follow me," The voice of Pepper rings out 

"Sorry, Mum."

"Sorry Mrs Stark," Ned and MJ say as they follow the CEO of the prestigious company they happen to be in

"It's quite alright now I'd like to discuss a few things regarding your work here at SI before dinner with the others, if that's alright with you," Pepper says motioning to the sofa opposite her 

Taking a seat MJ asks "Mrs Stark, I have a question. SI normally doesn't take high schoolers as Interns, how come we got recruited? I'd get Peter even if he wasn't your son, but why us?"

"Well MJ, Peter always talks about the amazing things you guys have done for him and your academic achievements, especially in the decathlon team at your school. For this reason, I have decided along with Tony to offer you an internship and maybe an actual job in the future," Pepper replies 

"No offence to your decision Mrs Stark, I am honoured that you have offered me an internship here at your company, I'm sure MJ is too. But don't you think we should work to achieve our internships here, and not because Peter is our friend? And there are many others on the school team that are way smarter than the two of us," Ned says 

"Your Right Ned but, I've looked into the history of the other students on the school decathlon team, and none fit the positions that we have offered better than you two," Pepper says a smile on her lips 

"Mum? You said something about their tasks?" Peter reminds his mother 

"Ah Yes. Now the main reason why I called you two here. I want for you guys for the 1st month that you work here, to follow Peter around and help him with things he does, after this month's adjustment period you guys will either be with Bruce or me depending on what you are doing. MJ since you are my personal intern you will be travelling a bit to different countries for some business conferences, Peter and Ned will also accompany you during those trips and arrangements have been made with principal Morita regarding this and he has agreed to them. Ned during these business trips you will be with me helping me out or with Peter helping him unless Bruce gives you things to do for him. Be warned there is a fair share of paperwork and work that you have to do once you begin soon so the only time you really get to do your school work or relax is after dinner and on the weekends," Pepper says "Oh and there will be days that you will be required to stay here and not go to school in order for you to help. On those days you will be sent all your work to do at home. As for school homework, you guys will not be having deadlines for any of them due to your schedule, however, if you do wish to follow the deadlines given you can do your work on your journey back here or during whatever break you take here or at school. Other than the weekends you guys will be given 4 days off once a month where you can go see your families and spend time with them."

As Peper finishes Ned and Mj look at her as if she has grown 2 heads while Peter was trying to stifle a laugh and asks Karen to take a picture and save it.

MJ turns to Peter and says "You didn't warn us that this is how busy our schedule is! How do you manage not to be sleep-deprived?"

"I agree man. This is too much," Ned says 

"My schedule is a lot worse than that. Mum forgot to mention the compulsory training that you guys have to do every day," Peter replies 

before either one of Peter's friends could say anything F.R.I.D.A.Y says "Mrs stark, the dinner is ready. you four are required upstairs." 

"Well guys it seems as if it is time for dinner come on," Pepper says leading the trio to the Elevator

(Time skip)

At the dinner table, everyone introduced themselves and the conversations began

"Peter, have you trained today?" Natasha asks the young spider

"No aunt Nat. I was busy. I have to go on patrol later so I'll train tomorrow," peter replies

Natasha nods in understatement.

"Ned, MJ how have you liked the tower so far after viewing it from a different perspective?" Steve asks

"It's wonderful Mr Rogers. I'm honoured to have an internship here and help the company. But I just didn't realise how busy our schedules were going to be," Ned replies

Chuckling steve says "Ah yes. The faithful schedules. Honestly, I agree. I sometimes wonder how peter does it."

"It's honestly not that hard. I've honestly changed my routine as the days go by so I'm able to do whatever I need to over the years to be not another version of Dad," Peter says

"You've had your entire life to adjust Peter it's completely different for the two of them," Pepper

"While that's true Mum, I've only had 4 years to adjust to my life as spiderman," Peter replies 

All the avengers, MJ and Ned nod

"Peter what do you mean 'another version of dad'?" Tony asks curiously

"Well, you have a terrible sleep schedule. You often don't go to bed a week at a time and you drink obnoxious amounts of coffee to get you through the day!" Peter exclaims

"You can't argue with that Tones," Rhodey says chuckling

Tony just playfully glares at his son as the rest of dinner goes by. 

At the end of dinner, Peter says "I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep. F.R.I.D.A.Y can show Ned and MJ their way back" 

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