giving a tour to my best friends

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Quick recap 

"Fri? When is dinner going to begin?" Peter asks the common AI

"In about 3 hours MS," The reply came

"thank you Fri," peters says and then turns to his friends and asks "So do you guys want a tour or want to ask the questions right now?"

"Questions," MJ and Ned say at the same time

"well put your bags into your room and come to the common room. I'll be there in a few minutes," Peter says walking into his room

-One hour Later (After peter arrives in the common room)-

"Okay, do you guys have any more questions?" Peter asks

"Nope!" Ned says popping the p

MJ just nods her head satisfied.


"Alrighty I, guess that it is time for the tour. Come on," Peter says getting up and heading to the elevator before saying "Put on your badges even if you don't need them because, at such a high level, the other employees don't know who are." 

"Peter, I've been meaning to ask you for the last hour or so, how come you are wearing a three-piece suit?" Ned asks while following his friend, MJ hot on his heels 

"Mum, makes me wear such clothes around SI so that I look presentable and not like a kid who just walked into the building. And I kinda agree with her. It helps since everyone knows who I am, plus Mum wouldn't care about what I'm wearing if it was in my personal labs, and does kind of prepare for the future when I take over," Peter replies 

"So where do we begin?" MJ asks when the trio are in the elevator 

"Ned, Would you like to do the honours of asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. where the tour should start," Peter suggests 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where do you think the tour should start?" Ned asks taking up his friend's suggestion 

"The training room perhaps, the avengers are there," F.R.I.D.A.Y answers "Your father is also there, peter." 

"Thanks, Fri. please take us there," Peter asks 

Upon the arrival of the trio, Natasha turns around and says "Hey маленький паук, hey Ned, hey MJ. How are you guys?" 

"I'm fine мама паук. We just spent an hour on my floor talking. Well mostly them asking questions and me answering them," Peter replies 

"I'm fine Nat, thanks for asking," MJ replies 

"I will still never get over the fact that you know me but I'm good Nat. Thanks for asking," Ned replies 

Chuckling Natasha replies "Why wouldn't I know you, Ned? You are Pete's best friend along with MJ. You visited so many times and from what our very own spiderling has told me you are really smart."

"You really said those things about us, Pete?" MJ asks shocked that one of her idols knows so much about her and Ned 

"of course I did. Who else would I say those things about?" Peter asks slightly confused at his friend's question

"Anyway, what are you guys doing up here? I thought you guys would be on Peter's floor doing geeky things," Natasha asks siping on her water 

Shrugging Peter replies "Well, they wanted a tour so I'm showing them around."


"I'll explain at dinner," Peter says 

"Okay well, enjoy the rest of your tour and I hope you guys enjoy it. See you guys at Dinner," Natasha says walking over to the shooting range while the trio walk to the elevator 

"Fri, Can you please take us to Uncle Bruce's labs?" Peter asks 

"Of course Peter. And your Mother wanted me to inform you to come to her office after you show Ned and MJ your Uncle's Lab," F.R.I.D.A.Y replies warmly 

"Got it. Thanks, Fri," Peter says 

"Why would your Mum want to talk to Ned and me?" MJ asks 

"I don't know, probably about the internships and also what to expect while you live here," Peter says 

With a ding, the elevator doors open to show a very distressed Brue Banner trying to figure something out 

Ned calls out "Dr Banner, do you need some help? You look very tired and confused." 

"Ned, just the person I was looking for. I'm working on this code that I can't seem to figure out and I need to fix up a hologram related to it as well. Is it possible for you to look at the code while I get Peter's help on the Hologram? From what Peter has told me you're a computer whizz," Bruce says looking up

"Sure Dr Banner," Ned says walking up to the computer 

Peter walks up to the hologram and starts inspecting it and soon calls over for MJ, "MJ? Can you please come here a second? I need some help with this." 

"What is it, dork?" MJ asks 

"Don't you think the placement of the Engine should change?" Peter asks 

And soon the duo jump right in and start conversing about the changes that they could make to this. Despite Bruce not specialising in Mechanical engineering he was often lent a hand, such time included, but he watched in awe as the three teens before he was in their own worlds. Ned was typing furiously away, looking very intently at the computer screen before him, MJ and Peter discussing the changes and writing notes down for future references and making small tweaks here and there that were within their range at the moment.   

After a good 15 minutes, Ned looks up from the screen and says "Dr Banner, I finished the code but I'm not sure if this would be the perfect one, I would need to test it out and make the appropriate changes once MJ and Peter are done with what they have got."

Coming up to the screen once again, Bruce is amazed at the skill of the young high schooler in front of him "This is perfect Ned thank you." 

Ned blushes slightly and replies "Happy to help in any way, Doc!" 

"Uncle Bruce?" Peter calls over his shoulder 

"yes, Peter?" the scientist asks as he walked toward the other two teens and the hologram 

"MJ and I just finished some minor changes, for now. We still have some changes to make we took some notes, We'll stop by tomorrow and finish them off so that Ned can make the changes in the code," Peter says to his uncle 

grinning from ear to ear Bruce replies "That's perfect, thank you boys, thank you MJ."

"Sorry to interrupt you Dr Banner, but Mr Rodgers has requested you upstairs to make dinner and Mrs Stark would like the trio to head on up to her office real quick," The AI's voice resounds throughout the room 

Peter Antonio Parker StarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin