He nodded and gave me his phone. He looks already so much better than 10 minutes ago.

"We could eat lunch together if you want. How does that sound?" I requested.

"Yes sure" He responded.

After I put my number in his phone and he his number in mine, I proposed "So, how about we skip sports and go outside?"

"Yeah. I really don't want to go back." Zayn chuckled.


Zayn's pov

It was the last lesson for today and I was pretty bored. The only thing I could concentrate on is Liam. Yes Liam. The lunch with him was very nice. We ate something under a tree outside. I mean he ate something. I just sat there. He was worried but I said that I'm not feeling well.

And as if he could read my thoughts, he texted me.

Lili <3: Hey Zee, how are you? I was wondering if you want to make something after school.

I smiled at how he saved his number in my phone.

Zayn: hi, I'm better but I'm sorry, I can't do something after school :(

Lili <3: Oh ok. It's great to hear that you're better. You looked very tired and sad earlier that day.

Zayn: Yeah, well, it's not really my day today...

Lili <3: I just want you to know that you can talk about everything to me and that you can trust me. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. I care about you Zee

Awww, that's so cute!

Zayn: Thank you, but everything is fine. See ya around!

Lili <3: Bye Zayn x

Whaaatttthefuckkk???? WHAT'S THAT??? WHYY THE KISS AT THE END?? He doesn't even like me. I mean we just met.

I couldn't concentrate anymore and just waited for the bell to ring. I knew it was a risk to go home straight after the bell rung but I really wanted to go away.

As I thought, it was a bad idea. Conor, a guy in my class, came up to me and held me by my collar. I was in panic because I know that I can't do anything.

"You little fag!! You don't deserve the breath you use!! You should die!!" he screamed. Everybody turned around and began to laugh.

I squirmed in his arms and tried to get rid of his tight grip. He only held me tighter and right as he was about to punch me in the face, a familiar voice yelled at him "GO AWAY!! HE DID NOTHING!!"


What was he doing here? Ahh!! The reality came in my mind. He was here to beat me up by himself!! That's what normally people do to me.

"I SAID GO AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Liam yelled as Conor didn't make a move. He just stood there and stared at him with wide eyes.



What the hell? He just called me his friend??!

Conor let me go and ran away. Everybody who was just staring at us, turned around and minded their own buissnes again. Liam came to me and hugged me tightly.

"Is this normal? Does he that often?" Liam asked concerned.

I just cried in his chest and nodded.

"I'm sorry. I'll try my best to protect you."

"What?? No, you don't have to protect me. I'm a worthless gay person..." I said sad.

"And? I don't mind that you're gay and that doesn't make you any worthless. It would be a little illogical if I'm homophobic." He returned with a chuckle.

"Everybody hates me because I'm gay. And what do you mean by ‚it would be a little illogical '?" I asked clearly confused.

"I'm gay myself." he shrugged.

My eyes wide. Did I just hear right? He's gay??

"Yes, I am." he grinned.

Oh fuck! I didn't realise I spoke out loud!!

I blushed and let go off him abruptly.

"I'm sorry Liam, I have to go home now. My dad-" aaand I almost said something about him ughh

"What about him?" Liam asked.

"Uhmm... no-nothing. Bye! And thank you." I spoke fast. Hopefully he doesn't ask further!!! Ahhh!!

"Okayyy...? Bye, have a nice day and text me when you're save at home!" Liam said. I know he didn't believe me, but he let it go. Thank God!

"Yes, I will." I said though I knew I was anything but save at home. And with that I ran home hoping my dad wasn't there.

As I entered the house it was surprisingly quiet. But this didn't last for long.

My dad came from behind me and kicked in my stomach as I fell over. "You worthless faggot!! Why're you even here?? GO AWAY!!" I was surprised by the sudden impact, but I knew it's what I deserve.

He didn't stop the kicking and punching until I was unconscious again. As I woke up, I ran fast in my room, closed the door, and opened my phone. 20 unread messages and 10 missed calls. All from Liam.

All were like "Heyy/how are you?/Why don't you answer me?/Oh no, I'm sorry about today. I didn't mean to be pushy/Please answer me Zayn!/Are you ok????/..."

I decided to just write "Hey Liam, no everything is fine. You weren't pushy. I'm sorry for not answering, my phone was turned off. See you tomorrow!"

I hope that's enough to make him less worried. I wanted to write a little more with him, but I had something to do...

I made my way to the bathroom and took the blade in my hands. I began to cry and knew it was the best way to get calm.

One for being gay

One for being worthless

One for wasting Liam's time

One for hugging him

One for not answering

One for lying to him

One for making my dad angry

One for making my dad dissatisfied


I stopped as the doorbell rang. Luckily, I was fast enough to hide my new, not so deep scars under a jumper.

It'll be ok - Ziam MayneWhere stories live. Discover now