
jaemin tilted his head with a lost expression, sure there wasn't a problem with that, but jisung was the last person he was expecting minho to invite.

"hi?" jisung chuckled nervously as he stood before the two.

"took you long enough, come on!" minho beamed, and pulled them both to the direction of the arcade.

"this arcade? woah, i haven't been here in ages!" jisung smiled widely, looking at the arcade that the both of them and their friends used to go to when they would get dismissed early.

"yup! found out it was still open, so.." minho shrugged with a smug look.

jisung punched his shoulder, minho let out an ouch, about to punch jisung back but with less power, however, the younger already ran off while giggling.

"that guy, really.." he scoffed and turned to look at jaemin who was looking around the area filled with people, "shall we?" he held his hand out in front of his lover, jaemin laughed but put his hand on top of his nonetheless and walked inside.

a bit later, jaemin had sat on a chair in the arcade to rest. gosh, was he tired from all of those games he and minho had played. minho asked him if it would be okay if he would go to jisung, which he gave him his approval because, minho would just be bored if he waited for him to charge up.

which now leads us to jisung and minho, competing in arcade games.

"whoo! 198 shoots, you lose!" jisung stuck out his tongue playfully after beating minho in the basketball shooting game.

"you were just lucky!"

"sure i was, loser!" jisung laughed in victory.

minho laughed along, pointing at another game and going there.

they were having so much fun that they almost finished all the games in the arcade they were in. later, the two had stumbled upon a photo booth.

not just any photo booth though. the photo booth that the eight of them would always take pictures in, the same photo booth that they sneaked in to without telling their friends and taking photos there. just the two of them.

memories came flooding back, nostalgic ones. minho looked beside him, specifically at the boy staring at the booth.

he let out a breath, "i'm surprised it's still here.." minho said.

"me too.." jisung answered, a small smile surfacing on his face.

"wanna go in and take photos?" minho said, cutting to the point.

"can we?"

"i mean, sure we can.." minho smiled at him.

"what about jaemin?" he said, unsure.

"he's tired, remember? it'll be quick, let's do it just like the old times." minho tried.

jisung nodded, "alright, just like old times." he smiled and they both went in.

the booth looked as good as new, the two wondered if they had changed it. so he looked around the booth, checking if it was the old one.

he remembered the eight of them writing something inside somewhere...

"oh, hey! it's still here!" minho pointed at the corner of the booth above them.

eight is fate >B-)

they smiled at the words written above, the memory of all of them taking turns in writing each letter and symbol made them laugh.

"well?" jisung looked at minho, which looked back.

jisung put in his last token in the slot and started the machine, "smile!" he said, and both of them smiled happily, then posed for the three more.

"i need one too," minho put in his last token too, he could bring jaemin here someday again anyways.

jisung watched minho start the machine, knowing well that that token, was his last. he could've took jaemin here and they could have taken photos instead. but minho spent his last one just to have another copy of them both with him.

minho put an arm around him and held his shoulder, sitting close, "smile," he said, jisung looked at the screen and smiled too when he saw the timer go to three.

after taking photos and making silly poses, they waited for their photos to slide out. when the photos came out in a strip, they were happy with how they turned out, the first photos on each strip were normal photos, and the other three was just them being them.

"huh.." jaemin stared at the two counting the tickets they have earned from afar, "they match energies.." he said to himself, watching how they would smile at each other while talking and waiting for their prizes to be given.

he kind of envied how jisung had so much energy like minho. he wished he could match minho's just as well as he could.

a few moments later, they were coming toward his way.

"jaemin!" minho sped up to him, "i earned it for you." he smiled proudly, handing him a white teddy bear.

"really? thank you!" jaemin said and kissed his cheek, "what did jisung get?" jaemin asked.

"me? oh!  i got this." he proudly showed him the bunny hat, the one with long sides for the arms and paws with pumps so the ears would go up.

"cute!" jaemin cooed when jisung put it on and squeezed the paws, making both ears rise.

"me or the hat?" jisung said.

"both!" he answered and they laughed.

"well, should we go eat out before calling it a day?" minho suggested, jaemin agreed and turned to jisung, asking if he wanted to join.

"fine by me." jisung said, and the three of them walked out of the arcade, going to a fast food restaurant nearby.

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