Chapter Fifteen

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Brandon doesn't even stop by Jessica's house, he just picks me up from mine.

I wear a bright smile on my face, and even though he matches it, I can tell it's not real. I've gotten better at analyzing people. And even though Jessica is still occupying Brandon's thoughts, keeping him from being in the moment, she's not in mine. I've put her out of my sight and therefore out of my mind.

When we arrive at school, everyone's speaking in hushed tones. I can pick up on what some of them are saying.

"Probably hiding..."

"...must be scared..."



I brighten. Everyone must think Jessica's hiding from the rumors, when in reality...

I let out a laugh, and Brandon looks at me, confused. "What? What's funny?"

I cover up quickly by saying, "I remembered this funny joke."

"What was it? I could use a laugh right now."

I shake my head. "I forgot it."


I take Brandon's hand as we sit at a table before the bell rings. He doesn't resist, but he's looking outside absentmindedly. I sigh and accept that he's probably not going to be over Jessica in a day. But in due time, he'll forget about her.

"And now," the loudspeaker calls. "Your daily announcements. The winner of the first semester scholarship is..."

I listen intently.

"Tia Florez!" I hear Tia squeal and jump up and down. I smile softly. She deserves it, she worked hard.

I look around. For once, everything is going right.

infatuated.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon