Chapter Sixteen

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I warm up some rice in my microwave. I even added a side of beans, because last week Ms. Baker absolutely devoured them.

Or maybe she was just starving.

It's the thought that counts anyway.

When it beeps, I take the plate to the basement and take the key out of my pocket. I open the door and say, "Guess who brought your favorite food—"

The plate clatters to the floor as I let it drop.

She's gone.

My fist tightens as I yell in anger. This is how she treats me? I didn't harm a single hair on her head, I fed her, and she escapes? Such a little—

I walk to the whooshing window, broken, glass strewn across the floor. How did she escape? I drugged her and tied her... I facepalm. I knew that fork went somewhere.

I stormed out of the room and went outside. Where could she have gone? I walk to the park and spot a bike. I ride it to the station, hopping off it when I arrive. I look through the window.

There she is. Spilling her guts.

I pick up the bike in a hurry before anyone spots me and travel to the drugstore. I get what I need and bike to Brandon's house.

I knock on the door, and Brandon answers. "Alyssa? What's up?"

"Can I come inside?" He nods, and makes way for me to enter by stepping from the door. "So what's up?"

"I'm so sorry. But I love you too much."

He smiles tightly. "Well, I love you too, but what—"

I shove the rag into his face and push him against the wall, resting my other hand on his chest. "I have to take you with me." I smile softly. "This way, we can be together forever."

He screams, the sound muffled through the cloth, and I just let him get it all out before he slumps to the floor. I take the car key from his pocket and drag him with me slowly so he doesn't hurt himself. I open the door to his car and lay him across the backseat.

I close the door and open the driver's seat, inserting the key. Oh Brandon, I think to myself. You're going to be so happy.

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