Chapter 7: Suspicious

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"Have you gotten through to the jeweler yet, Jimin?" Taehyung asked as he lazily reached out to grab a popcorn from the bowl of the snack that was sitting in front of them on the stool.

He was lazily cuddled up with Jimin on the sofa with him being the big spoon and they were watching a korean movie called "Parasite", after a tiring week of work, they had made it a ritual to always find time to have a day to themselves,a day to just cuddle each other to death and watch dramas all day long.

Fortunately for them,they were both not on duty that day.

"Yes, I have even completely forgotten about it, Hyung has connected me to her, she said you should let her know when your schedule is free so she can make time for you,"Jimin said, snuggling closer to his best friend.

"Okay, I'm free on Tuesday I think,I will check my schedule and get back to her," Taehyung replied in a muffled voice hugging his best friend closer to himself.

"Okay," Jimin slurred as they both completely fell asleep basking in each other's warmth.

"Hello, who's this,?" Jimin yawned as he answered the call grumpily, he had been awoken by Taehyung's phone suddenly going off and the blonde didn't even make a move to answer the phone leaving Jimin to answer it.

"Oh, it's Bogum," The person from the other line replied.

"What do you want? Taehyung is sleeping,I will tell him you called when he's awake, bye," The pink-haired male replied with his eyes still close.

"No, wait I've been finding time to actually talk to you," Bogum gulped which made Jimin frown and wake up almost fully, the sleep had cleared from his eyes immediately he got up to answer the phone.

"Okay, I'm listening," Jimin said, slightly apprehensive. He didn't know why he was getting a bad vibe from that sentence alone.

"So, you know that day you saw me at the chicken place?" The male at the other end inquired waiting for a response from Jimin who just hummed in response still very pissed at his sleep being interrupted.

"Did you tell Taehyung you saw me?" Bogum continued.

"No, it probably escaped my mind, why?" Jimin replied.

"Okay, that's good then," The other male said which made Jimin confused.

"Is there a reason Taehyung shouldn't know about it, are you hiding something from my best friend?" The pink haired male asked slightly raising his voice then innerly controlling himself when he noticed Taehyung stirring.

"No, of course not, it's just that Taehyung doesn't get along quite well with her and wants me to stay away from her because they both had a feud once and I can't really avoid her when we work together," Bogum replied smoothly and Jimin really didn't believe anything he just said.

His friend had never mentioned having a feud with one of his Fiancé's colleague, he would have to ask Taehyung about it one of these days.

"Oh, okay I won't then, but you had better not be hiding something from Taehyung because I swear to God, if you hurt my best friend at the end of the day,I mean it when I tell you that I will find you, I will gut you and I will feed you to the sharks in the ocean, no one hurts Taehyung not even you, his fiancé,do you understand me?" Jimin whispered-yelled at the man gently detangling himself from the sleeping male and standing up to go to his room.

"Woah, woah Jimin, why are you so hot tempered,what even gave you the impression that I'd ever hurt Taehyung. Is it about the woman you saw with me,I would never hurt your friend,he means the whole world to me and mind you, don't talk to me in that manner. I'm your best friend's fiancé and I'm older than you so I deserve some respect from you," Bogum warned from the other end which made Jimin chuckle.

"I literally didn't say anything about this woman, I never did, you started this conversation about her, so I don't know what you think you're driving at and as for the respect you think you deserve, I'm only going to respect you when you start behaving in a way that deserves my respect, goodbye," Jimin said immediately hanging up on Bogum huffing.

Bogum was really acting in a very weird way,he would make his findings and expose any despicable act he may be committing.

As Jimin continued pondering on how to catch Bogum in the act, he heard a knock on his door which made him widen his eyes in panic, he looked at Taehyung's phone in his hands and quickly hid it in his pocket,then took his portable bluetooth speaker and quickly put it on, then he took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Taehyungie, you're awake, i6 must have woken you up with the loud music," Jimin said gesturing to the speaker on his bed opening the door widely for his friend to come in.

"Okay, I thought you were arguing with your mom again," Taehyung replied plopping down on Jimin's bed.

"No matter how long I sleep today, I still feel so tired, Minnie," Taehyung yawned which made Jimin smile warmly at him before sitting down on the bed near him and placing the blonde's head on his lap then gently caressing his blonde locks soothingly.

"Me too, I feel so tired too. I'm going to just stay indoor throughout the day and cuddle you," Jimin said.

"My mom and I are in good terms now Taehyung, even do she still acts conservative which makes me want to lose my mind sometimes, she's trying, hopefully she will get here one day,"The pink-haired male smiled sadly which made Taehyung situp and hug him.

He didn't say anything, he just continued patting Jimin's back softly letting him know he was always there for him.

Jimin's mum unlike his mom didn't take it lightly with him when he came out as gay to his mum, she had thrown him out of the house which made Jimin stay in Taehyung's place for a while.

Since then, Jimin and his mum had not been in good terms, she had recently tried to reach out to him and they both had a talk so she had apologized to her son and had told him he would try for him.

"Taehyungie, you know I love you so much right?, that I'll always be here for you," Jimin asked after a while detangling from the hug and holding the blonde's face in his hands.

"Yes of course I know and I love you too so much," Taehyung replied with one of his boxy smiles.

"That's good," Jimin nodded and they both lied on the bed cuddling each other.

He would never let his friend get hurt by anybody not after he gave up his feelings for Taehyung's happiness.

Jimin had and still has the biggest crush on his best friend, as they grew up together, Jimin fell more and more for Taehyung, he fell in love with the blonde's gentle nature, his free spirit, his plump lips that always looked so soft and rosy, those deep-brown warm eyes and his gorgeous face.

On the day Jimin had planned to confess, his friend had shown up with Bogum,Taehyung had introduced Bogum to him as his boyfriend and that was when Jimin stopped trying, he just gave up.

Flashback in the next chapter

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