Chapter 5: Finally In Seoul

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Taehyung smiled as he stepped out of the plane, he had finally landed in Seoul-the city of his dreams.

He glanced at Jimin who also seemed awestruck by the view and was still stuck at the foot of the plane.

"Hey, Taehyung, hurry. I'm fucking starving," Jimin whined at his friend who was still walking majestically down the stairs and didn't seem to even hear him. The blonde was just waving at him with that beautiful boxy smile of his.

The thought of what he saw earlier during the day flashed through his mind and he quickly shrugged it off, they just got to Seoul to work and he wasn't going to start overthinking.

"Jimin, Seoul is so different and very beautiful," Taehyung exclaimed in awe, they were now outside the airport and they were waiting for the designated driver the hospital said they would send to them to take them to the apartment they are going to use for the next few months.

"Excuse me, are you by chance Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, "A young handsome that looked like he was in the same age group as they asked, he was holding small pieces of cardboard that had their names written on them.

"Yes, you must be the person who was sent to us by the hospital," Jimin beamed his eyes disappearing to form small crescents and holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Yes, I'm Lee Dokyeom, "The guy shook the smaller's hands with crimson rapidly spreading over his face.

Taehyung just rolled his eyes at Jimin and the guy as he folded his arms over his chest.

Trust Jimin to flirt with everyone, he shook his head at his friend.

"I'm Taehyung and this is Jimin," He introduced himself, and gestured to his best friend while shaking hands with the man because he knew that if he didn't say anything, he was sure they were just going to stand there with Jimin and the Dokyeom guy having some sort of "crisis".

"Shall we?" Dokyeom asked, wanting to take both their bags which they objected to, and just followed him.


"This place is huge, Tae. I knew I made the right choice when I picked Hansung hospital for us," Jimin said skipping around the apartment.

Dokyeom had dropped them at their new place, and had informed them he would be back with food for them, he was a newly graduated medical doctor interning at the hospital, he told them the designated driver suddenly had a family emergency so he was sent in place of him.

The apartment was really cool and was surprisingly furnished to their tastes, he trotted after Jimin as they both checked their rooms.

They had played a quick game to see who would get the "best" room which the smaller male won.

"I'm really starving," Jimin reiterated his initial complaints.

"Tubs is starving," He continued patting his belly which made Taehyung roll his eyes.

Tubs was the name that Jimin gave his belly, his best friend was so weird.

"Did you see Dokyeom earlier? He's so cute, I should ask him to hook up soon when my schedule is free," Jimin giggled at Taehyung who just sighed.

"Jiminah, just be careful with him, I don't want a heartbroken you in my arms by the end of this assignment, one Jimin is a lot for me to handle not to talk of a heartbroken you," Taehyung gently advised Jimin who just waved him off.

"Nothing is going to go wrong, Tae. You worry yourself too much, I don't do relationships, we both know that. I just want to get good dick while I'm here," Jimin shrugged at the taller male who just shook his head.

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