Chapter 6: Captivated.

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Jungkook stepped into the hospital slightly puzzled at the small crowd that was formed at the reception desk.
He approached the desk to see for himself as curiosity blossomed inside him.

In the middle of the small gathering because there were not that many people there were two guys dressed in scrubs and it dawned on him that they were probably the new nurses.

The taller male was very fragile_looking and very pretty, he had ashy-blonde hair with coffee- brown eyes. He looked like a real-life anime character.

It was then it dawned on him, the fact that the male was Kim Taehyung, the pretty nurse he had swooned over the day before.

When Jungkook saw his picture in the file, he had been quite mesmerized but on seeing him in person, he was even more enthralled, he was so perfect while the shorter male looked cute and had pink hair.

The doctor observed that Taehyung was kind of shy with the amount of attention he had on him while the Fuschia-haired one was smiley with everybody.

Suddenly, Jungkook's gaze met with Taehyung's, and instantly, their eyes mirrored each other's stunned expression. The former got a grip on himself and quickly averted his gaze from the pretty male.

Fuck, the day had barely started and he was already down bad for Taehyung.

"Jungkook Seonsaengnim, you are here already," One of his interns took a stance next to him and bowed respectfully to him. Jungkook racked his brain to remember his name with a frown.

His face softened when he recalled it.

"Yes, Jongho. Excuse me," Jungkook uttered, and briskly brushed past the younger male in the direction of his office.


Jungkook was flipping through some reports of his interns when he heard a soft, almost inaudible knock on his door.

"Come in," He gruffed and continued his work.

He heard the door creak gently open as the pleasant scent of freshly-harvested strawberries mixed with lavender filled his nostrils.

"Good morning sir, I'm Kim Taehyung, the new Travel Nurse Anesthetist, I hope we get along well and I'll work very hard sir," A warm, slightly deep voice which belonged to the harborer of the delicious smell uttered, and it made the doctor tear his concentration from what he was previously working on only to see the blonde guy he had seen earlier in the morning.

He was in a lilac scrub which matched his porcelain skin, his blonde hair was slightly longer than most men, and he also had bangs, his hands were clutched together at his front and he had his face set in a determined expression.

Cute, Jungkook thought.

"It's nice to meet you and you're also welcome to our hospital," He said, rising to his full height to give the blonde a handshake only to discover that compared to him, Taehyung was shorter by some inches, he felt some sort of pride and he internally chuckled.

"Likewise, sir," Taehyung smiled at him, bowing after they had both shook hands and Jungkook swore he almost lost his self-restraint.

Taehyung may be the death of him.

"The matron said to come to collect the files of the patients assigned to me sir," The blonde's soft, velvety voice seeped through his ears and jolted him out of his daydream.

He cleared his throat nervously and handed Taehyung the already arranged files and the nurse bowed before leaving the office.

Jungkook mindlessly stared at the door as the lingering fruity aroma of the nurse wafted into his line of smell.

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