Chapter 4: Love is wicked.

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"Sir, the files are on your table," The young female nurse informed Jungkook who was seated in the conference room, mulling over his various unhinged thoughts.

He had just finished an important surgery briefing.

"Oh, what files?" He asked because everything in his office was kind of jumbled up and he didn't know what she was talking about.

"The files of the travel nurse that is scheduled to resume tomorrow sir," She replied.

Jungkook nodded in recollection, "Oh, I can remember it now, you may take your leave, I will sign it and send it to your superior," He said, dismissing the nurse who bowed and left.

He took his files from the desk and proceeded to his office to take a nap before his next surgery which was in two hours.

But before his eyes closed and he drifted to dreamland, he remembered the files he was supposed to check and internally groaned.

He sighed before assessing the files, the nurse was scheduled to resume the next day and he still didn't know what he/she looked like.

Jungkook studied the paperwork for a while before taking his pen to imprint his signature on the files.

He stopped to look at the piercing auburn eyes staring at him from the passport, the nurse was a guy and a very pretty one at that.

Jungkook never thought that a day would come when he'd call another guy pretty but as he gazed once more at the guy's profile, he couldn't help but smile to himself.

Kim Taehyung, Jungkook read his name to himself as his smile widened.

Even his name was perfect and ethereal like the unreal being.

The angel had greyish-blonde hair and it suited his perfect pretty face.

He snapped out of it when he realized what he was doing, feeling something like that for another guy.

He was not homophobic or anything neither had he ever been curious about his sexuality.

Sure, he had multiple nights stands from time to time with only women but he had kissed a guy once while he was in high school as a weird dare.

But that was the first time he felt something he couldn't explain just by staring at a picture.

He briskly signed the papers and sent for someone to come and get it through the intercom.

After the same nurse that he saw in the conference room came to retrieve the file, he reclined his head against the swivel chair and rested for a while.


"What bullshit is this, assistant director-nim? Just because he happened to be lucky and a little brilliant, that doesn't mean you have to always be so fucking partial to him all the time, this is getting out of hand, sir!" a loud booming voice seeped into Jungkook's ears, jolting him out of his slumber.

He went to the bathroom which was adjoined to his office to rinse the lingering remnants of sleep from his face, then he flung on his lab coat to see what was causing the commotion outside his office.

"Nice, the man of the hour is here, Jungkook, congratulations on hijacking yet another important contract from the cardiothoracic department," Eunwoo, the owner of the voice, and Jungkook's colleague said with mockery.

The latter wrung an eyebrow in confusion and steered his gaze toward the assistant director of the hospital who had his hands clutched together behind his back.

"What's happening here, sir? The unpleasant noise woke me up," Jungkook drawled, knowing he had triggered Eunwoo's nerves in the process.

Eunwoo used to be a very good friend of his while they were both in college even until they were both assigned to the hospital when he started hating him immediately Jungkook was made a professor.

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