The End

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Hey guys,
I would just like to say thank you again for reading my story. I hope you found it inspirational.
It's been a year since this happened, I still haven't forgiven myself, I'm sure that *Ben still hasn't. The conversation gets brought up from time to time and every time I hear it I hear it I hate myself more and more for it.
I haven't spoken to Jack since then, I still see him around by I honestly hate him, not because he rejected me, but because he messed me around and I don't like that.
You may do things in your life that are bad, everybody makes mistakes but a lot of them can be avoided and if anything similar was to happen to you I would say never ever go back to your ex. There is a reason why you broke up, it just wasn't meant to be and it hurts I know it does, Jack was my first love, my first everything and maybe deep deep deep down inside you will never ever let go of your first.


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