Chapter 2: Planning stages

Start from the beginning

"If only I had something like that at my disposal. If only I had the Infinity blade. Then I wouldn't have to worry about miscreants like that hooded brat running about. I have to find it. Even sooner now that I know that there is a person walking around with something so dangerous in this world." As she thinks this, her right hand begins to tremble as she worryingly looks at it, catching it with her left in a successful attempt to calm it, and by extension herself, down before sighing and shaking her head. As if to come back to her senses.

"Patience Misery. It is only a matter of time before that half-elf girl finishes my golem army. Wait? How long has it been since I commanded her to make those for me?" She repositions herself more upright as she scratches her long Silver hair in contemplation. As this happens, the minion that she had sent up to check the time of day had returned. It told her that the sun had already passed the horizon.

"So the day cycle has already begun, hmm? Perfect! I might as well pay that girl a visit." She voiced before dismissing her minion and leaving her new home. Bound for the shore and after that Maria's lab

Misery landed in a relatively small town surrounded by forest arbors on all sides

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Misery landed in a relatively small town surrounded by forest arbors on all sides. The town was filled with 26 buildings made of mainly wood and some stone. None over 3 stories in height. If this was one that was then it would offer a view over the tree line, making the silhouette of the country's capital visible in the distance. her looks have changed. She now has long red hair and ruby-colored lips.

She entered this simple-looking, 2-story tall workshop made of oak wood and granite bricks

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She entered this simple-looking, 2-story tall workshop made of oak wood and granite bricks. She walks up the 5 birch steps and opens the door as a bell chimes. Inside was a quaint little lobby with 2 people and a golem occupying the counter. One was reading some text while sitting in one of those leaf-filled cushion chairs while the other one was conversing with the golem at the counter. Misery spots this and then storms towards the said counter, cutting in front of the man that was already there.

"Hey! I'm not done with my business here yet! Who are you to-? uhhhhhhhhhhhh." The man voices his dismay but his complaint was cut short upon seeing her fully.

A visible blush appeared across his face as he was made speechless by Misery's beauty even with the disguise. She took one look at him, her eyes narrowed, then blew him away with the telekinetic flick of her wrist. As the man slammed into the wall behind them, the golem clerk responded. "Good heavens!" Miss Goddess M, how could you!? Please do not endanger our customers and wait your turn-! Misery then telekinetically grabs her and then says.

"Now you listen to me, you pile of clay. Tell me where your creator is. Now!" The golem was forcibly immobilized by the goddess's influence as the woman who was reading a book began to help out the man that was thrown back. It was clear that it was trying to resist but its struggles showed minuscule results. "Where is the girl? I want my golems now!" Misery aggressively whispered. The golem calmly responds with.

"You should know that we have a process. We do this so we can get to all of the clients. So if you could please just wait like everyone el-."

"What! You expect me to wait with the rest of these mortals!? Blasphemy! I am Not waiting like the rest of these cockroaches! Tell me where she is Now!" She begins to crush the golem in frustration. A voice rings out from behind them. "She's downstairs! Miss Maria is downstairs finishing her projects.

"There's no need for all of this violence!" The woman cried while helping the man that Misery threw moments before. Misery looked at her condescendingly.

"About time you worthless Insects said something useful." After that, she tossed the golem aside. It would have hit the two other patrons if the woman didn't push the man away before launching herself in the opposite direction at the last moment.

Goddess M was unbothered by these events. She levitates over the counter and makes her way down the stairs without a second thought. The golem got up with haste and pursued the problematic entity.

"I mustn't leave Maria alone with her. I apologize for this inconvenience to you two." It said before exiting their line of sight. They looked at each other before the man spoke.

"well shoo. This is foolishness. All I wanted was something to fix this back. Ack! But no. Women like her gotta go and make it worse." The man said while trying to readjust his back. The woman that helps him then looks at him with an unamused face.

"Not all women are like that Y'know."

"Well yeah, I know. Hehe." The man begins to think back as a blush and a dumb smile appeared on his face. Wham! He is then slapped by the woman right across his right cheek.

"I can't believe you! Men like you are the worst!" She screams and then storms out of the building. Leaving that man to twitch on the floor in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Chapter 2: Planning stages - End of ACT 1

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