chapter 2 dusk till dawn

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after several hours of travel, only to stop for a mere moment to eat or recuperate, the wagon stopped at last in a dank part of a town west from where their village was. it was fortified by miles and miles of thick walls so gulf assumed that this town was governed by a noble or an esteemed governor.

the flap opened only to be greeted by their captor and they were yanked here and there and was shoved into what seems like an enclosed shed. the smell of animal dung was enough not to be ignored.

"YOU LOT WASH YOUR STINK AT THAT WELL IN THE CORNER. YOULL HAVE AN AUDIENCE BEFORE THE CRACK OF DAWN." said the ring leader, the same person who captured them from their village but was accompanied by another who was pleasantly dressed with spectacles and a sickly sweet smile.

"come on kitty. lets just follow what he says. i promise mom to keep you safe and so i will." gulf whispered at his younger sister who at a young age of 5, have to suffer this fate. "mild, please. lets go." he turned at his friend who was shivering in quiet sobs beside him. this friend of his was too soft to be considered a man. he might not be as tall or as learned like him considering he was the youngest of 7 children but hes kind and has a way to befriend anyone.

moments after they were escorted to an alley where a make-shift stage was located. the boss was talking to his spectacled companion as they were lined up row after row.

gulf feared this moment. this might be the last time that he could be with his sister but whoever will it be that will own him, hell beg and beg to let him have his sister with him even if he has to wrap his sister at his back while he worked. hell do it. hell definitely do it.

not before long, a couple of carriages and a throng of people gathered around the once isolated alley. gulf assumed that those carriages might belong to someone of money. he could only hope they could escape this fate for once and never look back.

"GENTS! we welcome you all this delightful evening to these feast. all able men and women of esteemed value. once all of the first row was consumed well proceed to the next one. go see for your self." cried the boss.

what happened next was beyond what innocence could comprehend. an old man pulled a young one around his early teens to his knees and pulled down his trousers!

"ill take this one for 5 coppers."

"SOLD!" screamed the spectacled one with the boss. at that, he was carried at the shoulder of the man like a sack of potatoes. the poor boy could not resist but just held his voice and teared. theyre not bound at the hands or shackled but they dare not to run since as what gulf had seen, they were surrounded by hounds who pulled them out of their village - all armed.

rows upon rows was sold after the other. the younger ones were sold at a silver max but the older ones with bodies nearly that of adults was sold at the moment at a gold max. slaps and rips of clothes after, people starts to disperse. they are at the last row and was expected to swipe the remaining bidders otherwise theyll be these renegades play things.

at the corner of gulfs eye, he saw tee. he survived afterall but he already bore the mark of this gang and it was singed to his skin. he wont be able to resist their boss with that unless it was death that he seek.

seeing someone of strength from his previous village, sparked a bit of hope for their escape but seeing that mark, its already impossible. gulf only hopes that someone kind would be their master. someone who could somehow let them have something to eat. he wont mind the beatings and hard work as long as his sister is with him.

"ill have 2 silvers for the little lady and that young lad that she clings on." said a big bellied man. he seems to be fat but gulf could see the gentleness of his eyes. maybe they have hope afterall.

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