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Well... it's been quite a bit hasn't it XD 

I hope you all are doing well and are safe <3 Sorry I haven't updated in a literal year, I've been incredibly busy with high school and APs and family expectations... but I'm here now!! :D 

For every who I made wait, enjoy this chapter and many more to come!

Chapter 3 - Leo Catches a Ride With His Doctor

Leo's legs ached as he ran, they were definitely going to be sore tomorrow.

He was afraid to turn around in fear of being caught. Guilt weighed him down as he remembered that he left them behind...

Calypso and Percy. What would happen to them?

Leo slowed down for a bit, wondering whether he should turn back and try and rescue them. Then, he shook his head violently and picked up the pace once more.

They helped me escape, I can't be impulsive and stupid, he thought, I have a chance now, its the smart choice to run away.

For once he hated having a reasonable brain. Heart heavy, he continued running.


Leo finally found himself back in the city, panting noticeably from the exertion. The loud music blared from a nearby ice cream shop and the bustle of the streets comforted him. He was safe now.

Well... he hoped he was.

Leo had no idea where he was, his phone having been taken from him by their captors. He puffed out his cheeks, searching around him for who looked the least likely to take his head off if he asked to borrow their phone.

It was as if the gods felt bad for putting him in this position, because turning the corner a street away was none other than his lovely and sort of annoying doctor and Will. Leo felt like he could cry, and started shouting out their names and running so as to not lose them in the crowd of people that were also present.

Will turned curiously to the sound of his name, and his eyes brightened when he saw Leo. He tugged the sleeve of Apollo's jacket and pointed in Leo's direction, mouthing something that Leo couldn't hear from that distance.

The two paused beside a nearby pharmacy that smelled suspiciously of beer and waited while Leo caught up to them.

"Heya Leo, what's u-" Will started, before being interrupted by Leo grabbing his shoulders and shaking them intensely.

"Will! Will, William buddy, give me your phone right now, it's an emergency I need to call someone and mine died," Leo semi-yelled and shook him a little more before letting go. Will nodded disorientedly before reaching into his pocket and handing Leo his phone.

Leo turned around and muttered discontentedly while scrolling through the contacts on Will's phone. Apollo turned to his son with a raised eyebrow, but Will just shrugged and shook his head.

"Aha!" Leo said when he finally found who he wanted to call, and he dialed the number and raised it to his ear. Usually when shit hit the fan, he always called Piper. They had known each other since what seemed like forever. She was his best friend.

His eyebrows drew together, and he contemplated that. Were they really still best friends?

It probably wasn't the best time to think about it, seeing as his girlfriend and one of his closest friends had just been kidnapped, but his brain would not stop thinking about it once the topic invaded.

Sure, he and Piper still spent time together. They laughed about memories, had dinner at each other's houses, and made fun of each other. But somehow it seemed like they both have been spending more time with their soulmates.

Stitches - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AU (Part 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt