"So Sloane.." Cade calls me and I turn my head left. "How long have you been dating Harry?" He takes a sip of his drink while keeping both eyes on me. I start fiddling with my watch, trying to search for a good answer in my head.

"Um, I think it's just a month from now. I didn't meet him until late March." I say bluntly. He nods his head, setting his drink back down.

"Not bad. I mean, for Harry not you." His apologetic gesture makes me smile a little more as he tries to reassure his words. "Ever since he's gotten here, he seems a little brighter. I rarely see that in him especially since I've known him for a long time."

A sudden memory pops back to my head, the feeling of deja vu of someone telling me the exact same words about Harry. It was a few days back, when I first spent the night at his place and woke up the next morning with Carter invading my personal space. It was something that he wasn't quite telling me; that one detail that was making me itch for more.

"..before we moved here, he had a girlfriend back home and he was really into her like every fucking day.."

I switch my attention to Cade, tapping back on his shoulder. He finishes talking to the waitress as she leaves our table.

"Sorry, I have to ask you something Cade." I catch his attention back to me, his face in full discretion.

"Sure what is it?" He leans in closer to hear me better.

"I know I should be the one telling him this but, whatever happened between Harry and his last relationship?" I'm more cautious with how I say things and I try to make my voice a little softer, with the music blasting everyone's ears.

Cade pulls away from me, the confusion is now spread upon his face wondering where the hell I had this information. "That is a little more complicated, because Harry made me swear I'd never tell what happened back home and whatever drama went down." He puts a hand up in defense and I let out a sad sigh.

"But.." He pulls forward. "All I can say is that it didn't end pretty and he pushed it back like it never happened. Something changed in him that day, he just doesn't like when Carter or I mention about it-"

"What are you two whispering about?" Harry's body comes from behind, his arm resting on my shoulder to bring me closer. Cade stifles a cough in his throat, taking his drink back to his mouth for a quick sip.

"Ah, just some school rivalry stuff." He bluffs. "Turns she's a Oregon State fan instead of the ducks." I grin at him as he lifts his eyebrows to me with his drink almost halfway done. I'm impressed by his deception that can easily match my little white lies.

"What can I say? I just can't love that green, it's too much for me." I flatter myself and turn my eyes to Harry who seems to be a bit more calm than before. His arm that's wrapped around me turns me over to his side, the cold metal of his rings rubbing against my skin.

"You doing alright?" He asks me, the crease in between his eyebrows form with worry on his face.

"I'm okay, really, you don't have to worry about it." I say. The alcohol hasn't hit me yet until I'm more than just a shot glass deep. That all comes to life when I start to see the waitress moments before us, serving a round plate filled with 10 shot glasses filled to the very top.

My eyes have dilated their pupils as a bundle of nerves fill the void in my stomach. I did have something to eat before my takeout and hopefully it keeps me from creating a mess.

Carter on the other hand is bursting with excitement, eyeing the shot glasses as they are being placed onto the table.

"Sick! So, who wants to rapid fire round?" Carter places 4 shot glasses to his dismay as everyone begins to panic themselves. Harry stays silent, while Cade looks like he's about to shit his pants with Alex. I know people won't be surprised but I take the chance and I start grabbing one by one to match him.

Assassin [H.S.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ