"So, what do you guys think of Angel's Hell?" Carter asks us.

Harry turns to face him, keeping his arms off the messy table. "I'd gotta say this is one hella underground club. I'm impressed." His eyes are turned to look at the room, posters of rock bands plastered on the walls, light strings dangling from the ceiling and the blue LED lights switching to dark purple now.

"Sloane, what about you?" Carter turns to face me while he slings an arm around Alex, who takes a sip of her half finished drink.

"I've actually never been here before, but I think this is the coolest place I've seen in Greendale." I tell him. Carter genuinely nods and sips another of his drinks. From the corner of my left eye, Cade returns to the booth in a few minutes with glasses in his hands, my drink and another in one and 4 shot glasses on the other.

"Alright here we go, just what the doctor ordered." He passes two shots to Carter and his girl and only gives me one but not to Harry. I glance at Harry, who seems more timid when he stares at the shot glass in my hand, eyebrows furrow deep to create creases on his forehead.

"Are you not taking one?" I ask him. The green in his eyes still flash under the colored lights and pay their attention to me.

He shakes his head. "I'm driving you, remember? Don't want to get in trouble and have your uncle hunt me down." I blush as a chuckle leaves my mouth. Knowing Uncle James, he'll definitely do much worse to Harry. Maybe if he'll be put in the tortrue room in headquarters.

My fingers onto the shot glass as everyone all excluding Harry are ready to cheer. Cade hands him a soda glass with ice as he sets himself ready to drink with us. Carter puts his hand up first, a marijuana joint stuck between his teeth.

"Alright alright you fuckers, who's ready to get fucking wasted?" He shouts, and we all cheer, putting our four shot glasses together in unity.

He takes his joint out his mouth, holding it between the glass and his fingers. The music pumps louder as the walls continue to shake in the beat of the DJs control.

I glance back to Harry who tries not to hide his smile but raises his soda glass not far from his body. He looks at me, where I now grin at him.

"Okay, everybody taking your fucking shot. We've got a long night ahead of us! Cheers, bitches!" Carter yells through the music and we all clink our glasses and down the shot of vodka into our throats.

The feel of the burning and heavy alcohol itches my throat and my taste buds, making my mouth go sour.

As I place my empty shot glass down, Harry's smile has gone wider while he takes a sip of his soda. I can only think of what he's saying to himself right now, making any comment that embarrasses me while I get drunk in front of him. Grabbing my drink in front of me, I sip through the savory and sweetness of my Mojito. The rum will be gone soon after I'm done with this.

I embrace the excitement in the atmosphere, obtaining the very least of my worries from early as I sit back on the cushioned leather. The seat brings my mind  back in the car, where, Mr. Edging, did his dirty part on making me cream in my lingerie. Even though

Carter pulls out a lighter from his back pocket, pulling the switch as he brings the flame closer to tip. The edge of the joint burns and Carter blows out a puff of smoke from his mouth, the aroma surrounding our table.

He notices that I've been staring at him as he grins up and takes it out of his mouth. "You wanna join?" He holds between his fingers to hand it to me.

I quickly shake my head. "I'm good but you enjoy yourself." I excuse him and return the joint back between his teeth. He makes himself comfortable as Alex keeps bouncing her head, more interested with the rhythm of the music playing.

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