There was a moment of stunned silence.

"That..." Fang blinked, "...sounded way too specific to be a dream."

"Not specific enough... since no names nor much details were mentioned." Solar huffed.

"Well... to be fair... we didn't exactly give him time to explain himself." Taufan said, scratching his head guiltily, "But that's why I tried giving Api a chance to prove himself if he really did come from the future! So, I asked him about the power spheres we saved from his timeline and he mentioned MudBot!"

"Taufan," Gempa gave him a disapproving frown, "Doing that will only make things worse. He probably caught a glimpse of MudBot in one of the books Captain forced us to read. Trying to confirm this horrible future that he made up in his mind— it'll just stress him out more."

"Or maybe it won't..." They all turned to Yaya who gave them an exasperated smile, "When my little brother gets bad dreams, it always helps when he talks about it to me. He would talk about the monsters under his bed or hiding in his closet and he always look so scared."

"Well Api isn't a toddler anymore who gets scared over boogieman." Hali said, though he did look contemplative.

"No, he isn't." Yaya agreed, "But I can only imagine how scary it is to fight your own brothers who turned evil."

An uncomfortable silence settled amongst the brothers, before Ice, who had been surprisingly silent the whole time, spoke up.

"Then what do you propose we should do?"






"You won't get away with this!" Blaze growled out as he continued to struggle against his binds. His entire torso and arms were currently duct taped on Probe's back and for the past trip he kept pulling away by kicking and wriggling as much as he can but he finds himself starting to feel a bit drained.

He was obviously not fully recovered yet. (Ugh... he hated it when Gempa's right.)

They were currently crawling through the bigger vents of the ship trying to find a way to escape. Blaze tried making some noise by kicking the walls, but so far no one seemed to noticed while some just commented it to be some of Gopal's leftover test papers that he tried hiding around the ship from months ago and others seemed to be used to all the noises from the vents.

Adudu apparently had been lurking around for some time, (which is probably the reason why no one tried to investigate the noises Blaze kept making thinking it was normal by now) and had gotten gist of Blaze's predicament.

The alien then thought of a plan to kidnap the teen to brainwash him into becoming one of his henchmen to help him find more power spheres.

(Blaze managed to bite his hand when he tried patting him in the head while he explained his plan.)

"Probe, I thought I told you to duct tape his mouth!" Adudu said as he looked at his GPS before turning right.

"I did, Boss! He probably got it off again!" Probe twisted his head to try and tape Blaze's mouth but Blaze kept tilting his head away, "Stay. Still-! Got ya!"

"Mmmmph!" This time Blaze find it harder to get off since Probe had placed three straps over his mouth, much to his chagrin.

"...try to entertain him."

Blaze froze as he was sure he heard Yaya.

Adudu also stopped, looked back and hissed loudly, "Probe get back! You idiot! You led us the wrong way!"

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