Chapter 21: The Odds Were Not in Our Favor

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WARNING: this chapter includes some very serious topics that may be sensitive to some readers. Things like sexual implication, fertility complications, use of rohypnol, and suicidal/homicidal aspects. If these topics are sensitive or triggering to you, please do not read this as majority of the chapter contains these topics.

After I graduated university and got a steady, decent paying jobs for my skill set, Natsuo and I started talking about having out first kid.

We had been married for four years, nonchalantly bringing up the topic every now and then and wondering what the other thought of it. There was always a reason to not have one yet, though. Most of them had to do with financial problems, so we just decided to wait until at least one of us got a job that could support both a kid and help pay for our tuition and college funds.

I graduated first, receiving a job at a high rating restaurant and bar called Seventh Heaven. It paid decently enough, earning Natsuo and myself a steady stream of income.

We were talking about it one night. Both of us were tired from long days at work and school and lazily flopped on the couch, but this was still a talk we needed to have. I decided to try and straight out saying it instead of asking something like what do you think about a kid?

Except of course, I couldn't just ask and I had to go on this whole rant because this isn't necessarily a conversation I want to have, but now I'm also wanting kids and this might just be the thing that makes everything a train wreck.

Natsuo seemed surprised by my semi-blunt way of putting it. His eyes widened slightly during my outburst, his face slowly contorting into a bright smile after his initial shock that could light up the world. I immediately felt more at ease at the sight of it, taking it as a sign that he might be thinking about it, too.

"I would love that," he said. "But you need to gain just a little bit more weight before we can do that, okay? Your eating habits have improved so well, and I love you just the way you are, but being pregnant takes a lot of nutrients and drains your energy and you're tired enough when you come home from work as it is. I don't want anything bad to happen to you while you carry our kid, okay? A child can destroy your body if you're not careful, and I don't want to lose you because we are going to live a long, happy life together."

The plans he had for the future brought a smile to my face, and I leaned forward to kiss him. "Of course. I want to be with you forever, Natsuo, even in death."

"That might be a bit of a problem. Our vows are only until death do us part, remember?" he pointed out.

I hummed, gently pushing him onto his back. "I guess we'll just have to die at the same time, then. That way death can't part us."

Okay kinda spicy here, but again it doesn't lead to smut so you can find something elsewhere you horny fuc-

I kissed him again, this time in a slower and more sensual manner. I ran my hands down his torso, reaching the hem of his shirt and running my hands over his cool skin.

"This is new," Natsuo mused when I pulled away. "What's got you motivated to do this?"

I shrugged, humming at the satisfied breath that left him when I started kissing his neck.

"Y/n . . ." he breathed out, brining a hand up to softly tug my hair. I stopped what I was doing, looking at him. "What do you think you're doing? You know where this will get you."

I smirked, running my hand down his chest again. "I don't think I  do."

I stood up, pulling my hair out of my face and walking to the bedroom, Natsuo following me.

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