Chapter 10: The Ridiculously Concerning Fukukado Family

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After about a month of moving plans around and deciding what date worked, Natsuo and I were finally able to arrange a dinner meet with my family.

I am very fucking scared.

For way too many reasons to count.

Granted, majority of those reasons come from me just overthinking how this whole thing will go and coming up with the worst possible scenarios, but that doesn't make me any less scared than I am.

And at the moment I am explaining every member of my family to Natsuo. For the third time in two hours. Right outside my parents house.

"Baby, calm down. This meeting is going to go just fine," Natsuo said, grasping my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

I let out an almost tired breath. "I know. They can just be a lot. And embarrassing. And just a lot."

Natsuo kissed the top of my head, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. "We'll be just fine. Any questions they throw at us, we'll be ready for them."

I shook my head, chuckling but also internally crying. "No we won't. When Emi brought her first boyfriend home my parents first question for them was if they had had sex yet."

Natsuo's eyes widened slightly, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck. He cleared his throat, saying, "Well then. Maybe we aren't ready. But we'll be fine. I think. I mean, your family can't be any worse than mine."

I chuckled. "You're probably right about that."

Literally just like magic, the front door fucking opened and my mom came out, my dad trailing behind her. She immediately grabbed Natsuo and I and dragged us into the house, Dad following behind us and shutting the door. Emi was already seated at the dinner table, poking and prodding at her food while she waited.

Natsuo and I were forced into the chairs directly in front of my parents, leaving us in a weird tension while I waited for whatever commentary they had.

If I'm being completely honest, I have no clue what's going on right now.

Natsuo decided to initiate some sort of conversation, politely introducing himself to my parents.

"Oh, we'll aren't you just a gentleman?" Mom said. "So polite, not to mention you have quite the looks. I wonder if . . ."

And she kept rambling about how attractive Natsuo is. Not even five minutes into this dinner and my head is already on the table dreading the rest of the night and regretting ever coming here. But this is what Natsuo wanted, so I can deal with it.

"Y/n, you really did pick such a good guy." Mom redirected the conversation to me. I don't even know what she was talking about. "He's so polite!"

"Mom you haven't even known him for five minutes," I said. "He could literally be a drug dealer and you wouldn't know."

"Details, details." Wow, so she's just gonna let my drug dealer comment fly over her head like that?

"So, Natsuo, was it?" Now my dad's talking and I am extra scared. You see, my dad never really cared about who I was romantically interested in, but at the same time he is. "Have you two done the horizontal tango yet? Any grandkids to be expected?"

"Oh my god." I dropped my head again, covering my face with my hands. It was suddenly burning like the desert in the usual freezing dining room.

Emi, being the great sister she is, cracked up, saying, "This is the only reason I came here."

What really made me even more embarrassed was the fact that Dad decided to use the term horizontal tango. And then immediately followed that up with a question about children.

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