Chapter 17: Acceptance

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"Y/n, I would like for formally apologize for my past actions and petty reasons for disliking you."

Wait what?

Is Endeavor—the number one hero—actually apologizing to me right now?

What is this world coming to? Where is the orange tint to everything that signifies the end of the world?

I was almost too stunned to say anything in reply. I literally just stood there for a few seconds while I processed his sentence, feeling surprised, confused, and overall just what all at once.

What do I even say in response to that? I mean, yeah I forgive him. I kinda don't care at this point since I had sort of come to terms with the fact that he'll most likely never like me, but also I do care, and I feel like just saying it's fine or something along those lines just doesn't express enough.

"Thank you," I said, not quite sure what I'm thanking him for. "I accept your apology and request that we start over."

Damn, when did I get so fancy with words? What is this?

I really have no idea why I said that because what am I supposed to introduce myself as? I can't say I'm Natsuo's girlfriend because technically, I'm not anymore. But I can't say I'm his fiancée because Endeavor doesn't know and I don't want him to flip out about that.

I glanced at Natsuo, waiting for him to reintroduce me to Endeavor and see what he called us.

"Yeah, uhm, Endeavor, this is Y/n Fukukado. She's my . . ."

Evidently, he doesn't know what to refer to us as either.

"Do we just tell him?"

Jesus Christ, this is not going the way I wanted despite having no plan.

"I'm his fiancée." I just decided to put it out. I mean, what am I going to say? Oh hi, I'm your sons girlfriend but like he proposed to be so technically he's my fiancé but I don't want you to unleash your wrath so I'm his girlfriend for now until I know you're mentally stable to process that your son is engaged to a quirkless girl.

Yup. That totally would've worked.

Endeavor's eyes widened at the bomb I just dropped on him. His face was unreadable, but I could tell he was definitely surprised.

So we just stood there in silence for a few moments while Endeavor pondered this information and Natsuo and I prepared ourselves for any reaction.

We were definitely not expecting for him to just nod and tell us supporting words. That was definitely a surprise.

"So, you're not mad your son decided he wants to marry me?" I cautiously asked.

"No, of course not." While his words sounded sincere, it also sounded like Endeavor tried a tad too much to say them. He's definitely trying to be a better father, but people don't just change overnight, even after a traumatic event or giving something a lot of thought. He must still be upset to a very tame level that his son is marrying a quirkless girl.

"So you're happy about this?" Natsuo seemed absolutely flabbergasted by the situation, clearly expecting Endeavor to respond in an uncivil way.

His father nodded curtly, not opening his mouth again.

Despite knowing that Endeavor probably isn't all that excited about this, I smiled.

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