Chapter 18: Wedding Details

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It had been almost a year since that whole dinner drama. Natsuo had officially moved in with me (even though before he was technically a roommate since he had joined paying rent for my apartment and staying over quite often), and for some odd reason I'm always welcome in the Todoroki residence.

Definitely an interesting turn of events.

Since then I've also visited Rei a lot. We always have extended conversations, dragging them out longer than they need to be. Natsuo is there majority of the time, and he doesn't mind sitting to the side and watching us converse.

He had gotten more touchy, too, always wanting to hold my hand or wrap his arm around me or rest his hand on my thigh when he's driving. It's honestly adorable, but I think it's because as the wedding date draws closer and closer he's scared I'll rethink my decisions and leave him if he lets me go.

He kisses me and tells me he loves me quite often, and while I appreciate it, I still feel like it's for the reason I stated before—he's scared he'll lose me.

Anyways, it's a day before the wedding, and everyone is currently setting everything we can up, handing decorations in the gazebo thing Natsuo and I had first met in. The sentimental value of this place made it a more beautiful area than it already was, and Natsuo was actually the one who suggested we have it here.

It's the right size for the party, considering we aren't inviting many people, just very close friends and family. We decided that we wanted a small wedding since we're both broke college students that don't exactly have the money for a bigger wedding.

Both of our families are here, helping to get the venue ready before we're kicked out and have to stop. The institution Rei is in even let her come out to help up. Emi graciously decided to invite Yonda to the decorating process, letting her blunt opinions somewhat dictate how it turns out. She even took it upon herself to make sure everything would go according to plan tomorrow, making sure the cupcake tower thing would be ready, that transportation was available, everything I think I'm technically supposed to be doing.

All while writing her bridesmaid speech.

Let me tell you, this girl is crazy good at multitasking and getting her tasks done with high quality.

"Get rid of the white and blue balloons around the beams outside," Yonda said after making a few rounds around the gazebo. "It's just something extra you're not going to notice once your in here. Also, I feel like it would be nice if you could find, like, some insulating tulle or something to keep heat inside, since this wedding is in winter. Very smart move."

Mom was immediately on Yonda's opinion, running around and taking the outside balloons down and tossing them inside. Yonda went on the phone, probably to call someone about that insulator tulle she thinks exists.

It actually isn't even that cold, and it's no where near winter. It's the end of October, so temperatures are fine for the most part. Besides, tomorrow is going to be one of the warmer days, the weather staying in the high teens to low twenties (in Celsius). Yonda's just being dramatic.

Yonda suddenly rushed out of the gazebo, going out of sight for a few minutes.

"Y/n, wanna start on the signs?" Natsuo asked from a few feet away.

"Yeah," I said, attempting to hang this last part of the twisty fabric thing. "Just give me a second. Mind giving me a hand?"

Natsuo nodded, walking over to me and taking the lump of fabric I held in my hands. This is one of the times I'm mad about his height because he's able to do things like this with no effort while short people like me have to grab a ladder or stool.

He kissed my temple before telling me that the signs and chalk markers were on the table designated for food. I nodded and walked in that direction, pulling up a chair and sitting in it.

I started working on the two signs Natsuo and I decided to set up. A larger one telling people (mainly family members) not to take pictures because we hired a photographer, and the smaller one that's going to go in a seat reserved for Touya that says We know you'd be here if Heaven weren't so far away. I glued white and light blue flowers to them in a specific arrangement, seeing as we had leftovers from the centerpieces made a few days ago.

When Yonda came back, she was wheeling someone in a wheelchair that was maybe a few years older than her with blue hair that had a few boxes in his lap. She pointed to the table I was sitting at, most likely telling him to put the boxes there and leaning down to kiss his cheek. She skipped over to Emi, probably to talk about something else concerning the wedding.

The blue-haired boy moved himself over to my table to place the boxes down, and I recognized him as the guy Yonda likes. What was his name again? I-something? Ten? Something like that? At least I think it's the same person. He wasn't in a wheelchair last time I saw him.

I think it finally processed in Yonda's mind that she just sent him to the table I was sitting at, because she abruptly left her conversation with Emi and speed-walked over to me and this Ten guy.

She awkwardly stood there. I'm not quite sure what she was trying to do since I had paused writing and was now looking at her expectantly, nodding toward the bluenette, indicating an introduction.

"Right. Uhm, Y/n, this is my friend Tensei Iida. He's gonna be my plus one at the wedding. Tensei, this is Y/n—she's the bride," Yonda said, using her hands to introduce us in an animated motion.

I nodded, returning to writing the signs and saying, "Yonda's told me a lot about you."

"Good things, I hope."

I shot Yonda a knowing look, seeing her eyes widen, probably remembering the interesting texts and conversations we've had about him. She started rapidly shaking her head, mouthing Don't you dare.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, something like that?"

It was obvious from the look on Iida's face that he was confused by my statement. He simply nodded, saying something to Yonda before saying bye and taking his leave.

Once Yonda had assisted him down the gazebo steps, she came back over and sat next to me.

"Just friends?" I questioned. "Everything you sent me, plus that kiss on the cheek just now and you're just friends?"

"Shut up," she mumbled. "It's harder than you think. He's a retired pro, remember?"

"It's pretty hard to forget. That's your only defense for not making a move yet, it's getting old."

"You have no room to talk. It took you like three months to text Natsuo, and even then you two met up again because Fuyumi invited you to dinner at his house," Yonda pointed out.

"Hush," I said, marking the last line on the sign. "Alright, I'm finished with this. I'm asking for your opinion even though I'm not changing the way they look. What do you think?"

She studied the signs carefully, looking them over a few times before saying, "They look nice. Who's the death sign for, though?"

"Touya, Natsuo's older brother," I answered. "He died a while back, but Natsuo still would've wanted him to be here, so I brought up making this sign to him. He liked the idea, so it exists now."

Yonda nodded in understanding, mumbling, "Makes sense. I would want my abuela at my wedding if I have one," so quietly I almost couldn't hear her.

Yonda was adopted in America by her abuela, who later decided to move to Japan for the aesthetic. She died a few months ago due to a brain tumor the doctors found way too late.

She shook her head, sitting straight and saying, "We're almost done with decorations for the most part, right? I assume so since it's also five and they told us to be gone by five-twenty. After this you're not allowed to see Natsuo until tomorrow, remember? Do you know where you're staying?"

"I was thinking me, you, and Fuyumi just catch a ride to Emi's house and stay there," I responded. "It's close enough to here, plus tomorrow morning you and Fumi won't need to worry about finding her house."

"Sounds like a plan."

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