Chapter 20: May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

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Nothing felt better than the new weight of my cold wedding ring. Nothing.

Except maybe when Natsuo and I shared a kiss to seal our union. That felt pretty good, too.

Since we were just using the gazebo as the wedding venue, everyone stayed there for the reception. It was good for us because we had only invited really close friends and family, and their plus ones if they had one.

We hadn't really specifically planned anything to fill the time of the reception, mainly because we just didn't know what to do with it. However, Yonda and my mom had quickly solved that problem by suggesting long, sentimental toasts and wedding party speeches.

Now normally, speeches and things of the sort are only meant to be two to three minutes. But no, these speeches lasted at least five minutes each. Majority of it was embarrassing stories about the both of us that somehow tied back to May these two have a long, happy marriage.

I mostly tuned out my parents' speeches, hoping they wouldn't say something I would usually get embarrassed by because I'm not paying attention.

What really interested me was when the bridesmaids and groomsmen started talking.

Shoto, who was Natsuo's best man, didn't share much about Natsuo, only that he wished the two were able to spend more time together and wishing us luck. Chado and Jeiku, Natsuo's other two groomsmen, also didn't have much to say. I honestly think they didn't know they would have to do this, so they just came up with a few quick things on the spot to say.

Since Natsuo wasn't very close with much of his immediate family, I expected them not to have a lot to say like Shoto. I'm sure you can imagine the look on my face when Endeavor starting giving a longer, more personal speech. It was surprising. From the times we've been in the same place, Endeavor doesn't even seem to know much about any of his children.

Rei went next, saying a few sweet things before sitting back down.

Fuyumi went after Rei, going on and somehow oversharing things about the time she and I had spent together. She went off topic a few times, quickly finding herself and going back on track. She ended her speech saying, "If you guys are losing hope, just know that if Natsuo can pull someone as amazing and beautiful as Y/n, not all is lost."

Natsuo rolled his eyes in response. "Except maybe Endeavor," he muttered.

I had to stifle a laugh. I definitely expected him to come for his father, but not that harshly.

Emi was next, smirking mischievously in my direction and sending me a discreet wink. She stood from her chair. "I'm sorry about this, but I feel the need to do this as the bride's sister." Emi lifted her phone from the table and played the start of Satisfied from Hamilton, stopping at the rewind part. "Sorry about that," she said, silently giggling at her own ridiculousness. "Let's talk about the day Y/n told me she was engaged."

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Because she's my sister and she knows me like her own mind, she could obviously tell we . . . did the thing the night before she knew. She basically worded it every way possible, beating around the bush and cracking a few (bad) jokes along the way. "Anyways, that basically happened. Have a good time tonight, you two." She sent another wink our way while I hid my face in my hands.

Why was I secretly hoping she wouldn't say something like that. Of course she would do that, she's my sister.

A gentle touch on my leg made me look in Natsuo's direction, watching him mouth Tonight, following it with a wink. It made me even more flustered, so much so that I didn't even know how to respond. I just sat there, staring at him with my jaw touching the floor.

I could practically feel my parents drilling holes into my head. They most definitely saw that, and if they didn't they most likely assumed something much worse based on my reaction.

I barely processed the start of Yonda's speech because I was still processing what had just happened. Although I'm fairly certain she definitely noted my expression and continued to tease me about it like the great friend she is.

Yonda's was surprisingly longer than any of our families, seeing as she supposedly knew the both of us before we even met. Not sure if I believe that, but it's definitely possible since she works at a popular cafe/bookstore.

Her talk was full of references from fandom's she's in and what she hopes for our relationship. Her main point, which was also Mom's example, was that she hoped we would continue looking at each other like Eugene and Rapunzel.

"Of course, they're also going to fight from time to time, GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDER SERIES SPOILERS but I have faith that they'd do anything for each other, even help cover up a murder like Ravi helped Pip to do." SPOILER END

Of course, no one knew what exactly she was referencing, but for the most part they guessed it was a good thing. Which it was, in a sense. The only reason I know this is because Yonda had called me one time at two in the morning sobbing because THEY'RE JUST SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER, Y/N. WHY DID HOLLY DO THAT?

So yeah. That is a rather frequent occurrence in my life. An occurrence Natsuo thankfully knows about and is able to die of laughter in the background while Yonda screeches in my ear.

She ended her Ted-talk length speech with a saying from one of her most beloved and favored book trilogy ever, The Hunger Games.

"And may the odds be ever in your favor."

Worth It (N. Todoroki X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon