Welcome To Star City

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(A few months later, your now 15 years old and 5 foot 7)

(Star city)
(Mayor's office)

Assistant: Mr. Mayor?

Oliver: Yes?

Assistant: A Mr. Parker is here to see you.

Oliver: Send him in.

(The assistant leaves and you enter)

Y/n: Wow. So this is what the mayor's office looks like. I like it.

Oliver: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Oliver.

(The 2 of you hug and the both of you sit down)

Y/n: Where you surprised?

Oliver: Definitely. So what brings you to Star City?

Y/n: I wanted to ask you something important?

Oliver: What is it?

Y/n: I had a long talk with my aunt about this and I finally convinced her.

Oliver: Convicted her to do what?

Y/n: C-can I move in with you?

(Oliver looks surprised)

Y/n: I know I'm asking a lot but I'm tired of waiting for one of us traveling to another city just to see each other. So what do you think?

Oliver: I like this plan. When are you moving in?

Y/n: Now. I have a bunch of boxes packed and ready to go.

Oliver: Oh.

Y/n: I'm sorry I dropped in like this without telling you, but I wanted to tell you face-to-face.

Oliver: No I'm glad to hear your moving here with me.

Y/n: Great! So when do you think it will be a good time to move my things into your place?

Oliver: How about now?

Y/n: Don't you have work to do?

Oliver: It can wait, come on.

(A week later)
(Your new home)

Y/n: Good morning Oliver.

Oliver: Morning Y/n.

Y/n: What you have planned today?

Oliver: I have to do the grand opening of Laurel's statue.

Y/n: Can I come watch?

Oliver: Don't you have school today?

Y/n: School doesn't start for a few days.

Oliver: Your serious?

(You nod your head)

Oliver: Then you can come with me.

Y/n: Alright.

(You and Oliver head to the location where Laurel Lance's statue is being presented. Oliver gives a big speech and then shows the statue to everyone there)

Y/n: That's a nice statue.

Thea: Yeah it is.

Y/n: Are you ok?

Thea: Of course. Why wouldn't I be?

Y/n: You just seem a little off today.

Thea: Well-

(Just then, men with motorcycle's appear and attack some of the guards there and they grab Oliver)

Y/n: No-

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