Ben shook his head. "A God is making chicken in my kitchen. I will never get used to this," he muttered.

"Why not?" Mal asked.

"Would you?"

Mal shook her head. "It's not that odd. Just ignore the God factor, it's just your father-in-law making lunch. Besides you haven't lived until you've had dad's crispy garlic chicken."

"If you say so Mal," Ben said.

"Ben, trust me. Dad's cooking is amazing. You've had his honey glazed chicken the few times we've had take out and Harry's made the delivery but the crispy garlic is on another level all together."

"I can't wait to try it then," Ben said and gently kissed Mal on the cheek. "You know we're probably going to need a lot more dog food right?"

"I'll handle that," Mal promised.

Ben gave her a small smile. "Okay," he said as he kissed her on the top of her head. Mal couldn't help but smile, she loved the attention Ben gave her. He tried to make a point of it, especially the closer they got to the end of her pregnancy. Even when he was busy with his Kingly duties, he still made a point to give her attention. And she loved it. How could she not?

Mal smiled as she reached up and kissed Ben lightly on the lips, smiling as she felt him return it. "You's not here," she whispered.

"No, no he's not," Ben nodded. "But he's in the kitchen."

"Smart move Benny!" Hades called from the kitchen. "By the way, I don't know if anyone's hungry but I've got some crispy garlic chicken ready to be eaten!"

"Coming!" Mal called as soon as she heard that. Ben chuckled as the two of them walked into the kitchen, Estelle and Nyx trotting behind them. You know it's not going anywhere Mal, Ben thought.

The look must have shown on his face as Hades chuckled slightly upon seeing him. "One thing you have to learn about your wife Benny. Never get between her and crispy garlic chicken."

"Yes sir," Ben nodded as Mal rolled her eyes.

"Well while you two chat..."

"Help yourself Mal," Hades chuckled as he handed over two plates of chicken.

Mal grinned. "Don't mind if I do. Dig in Ben! Tell me this isn't better than the honey glazed chicken."

"I don't know Mal, your dad's honey glazed chicken is pretty amazing," Ben said as he sat down next to her.

"Just you wait," Mal chuckled before the two of them began to eat. The room was silent for a bit with the exception of some whining from Estelle who was waiting for the chicken to drop.

"Here you go boy," Hades said, dropping a couple of stray pieces from the pan. "One for your lady friend too...and that's probably one of the weirdest sentences I've ever said."

Estelle yipped softly as if to say 'thank you' before taking the other piece to Nyx.

"I will say this is good," Hades heard Ben say. "But so is his honey glazed chicken!"

"Ben, you don't have to say things like that just because dad's standing right in front of you," Mal said, shaking her head.

"But it's true!" Ben insisted. "I promise I'm not just saying that."

Hades chuckled. "I'll take the compliment Benny. Mali, how's your chicken?"

"Mmm hmmm!" Mal hummed in approval, not wanting to talk as she'd just filled her mouth with chicken.

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