"That's just so awkward. Plus, what if some weirdo asks me to the-"

"Hush." He rolled his eyes. "I'm taking you, of course. Don't be silly, Emmy." He told me quickly. I let out a sigh of relief and laid my forehead against his shoulder again. "That's not me asking, though. So act surprised when I do." He chuckled, sliding his hand from my waist to the small of my back.

I felt my cheeks heating up once again as I kept my face hidden in his shoulder. My smile was glued to my face, and I don't think anyone could've wiped it away if they tried.

"Saw you walk in with Potter." Draco huffed, making me finally pick my head up. Or maybe it could be wiped away. I let out a long sigh as I saw the disgust crossing his face.

"Look, you can continue to hate him all you want. But as long as we are competing in this tournament together, I want to be his friend." I rubbed the statement in Draco's face. He chuckled once as my face was inches from his, holding so much confidence as I stood my ground.

"Oh, you want to." He whispered, his voice lingering with amusement. I nodded my head once as I smirked up at him. "Alright. Have it your way." He shrugged. My face scrunched up as I watched his eyes leave mine.

"That's it? 'Have it your way.' No snarky comment? No fighting with me?" I asked with an astonished voice. He just shrugged his shoulders again.

"You're your own person. Do what you please." He said nonchalantly. "You don't control what I do, why should I care what you do?" He asked. When he finally met my eyes again he laughed at the horrified expression on my face.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend Draco?" I asked out of worry. He smirked at me as I started to giggle.

"Don't worry about it." He winked.

"I don't think I'm ever going to find a date." Ella whined as we walked through the courtyard. I chuckled at her, clutching my books to my chest tightly.

"Yeah, you laugh at us, but you would've had a date all along. Even if Malfoy didn't get the nerve to ask you." Cassie sighed. I scoffed once as I listened.

"Oh, that's so not true!" I argued, my smile carrying over into my voice.

"PLEASE!" Ella laughed loudly, gaining the attention of a few who walked around us. "The boys gawk at you like you are a piece of meat and they are werewolves on a full moon!" She told me. I made a look of disgust at her simile.

"Don't ever say that again." I laughed, shaking my head lightly. I spotted a familiar shaggy head of hair walking in our direction. "You two really want dates?" I asked them with a smirk.

"Please help us." Cassie said seriously, giving me a blank look. "I'm begging." She added on.

"Oh, Haroldddd," I called across the courtyard. I started walking towards him, but Ella pulled my arm back. Harry's warm eyes flickered towards mine and a relaxed smile pulled at his conflicted face.

"Emelia." He greeted as he approached me. Ron was at his side, but his eyes wouldn't meet mine as he scanned me up and down, as if he were analyzing me.

"Hello, Ronald." I said politely. "Would you boys by any chance be on the search for dates out here on this fine afternoon?" I asked like it was a formal occasion. Harry chuckled at my behavior, but Ron still looked uneasy.

"What gave it away? My shaking or the pure fear on my face each time a girl walks by?" He teased. His smile was so perfect as he flashed it at me- wait. What? I shook the thought away instantly.

"Well, I know it's a lot to ask of the 12 year old heartthrob and his trusted sidekick, but my lovely friends here are also in need of dates." I nodded towards the two that stood next to me with fear in their eyes. "Uh, they warm up a bit once you get to know them. I promise." I chuckled as I furrowed my brows at them.

"Sure. I guess I've got nothing else to lose." Ron sighed, obviously not enjoying any parts of this. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully before I looked at Harry again.

"Customer satisfaction guaranteed. If you aren't satisfied with your purchase, you can ship them back at the end of the night and I'll repay you." I told Harry quietly as I gave him a discreet wink. He laughed lowly before he nodded.

"I'd love to take them off your hands for the occasion." He assured me.

"Yay! Harold your the best!" I squealed, pulling him in for a quick hug. "I'm sure they'll give you all the details, won't you ladies?" I asked my friends as I pulled away from Harry. They gave a shy nod and smiled at the boys.

"Then it's a deal." He clapped his hands together. Ron gave a nod in agreement while I smiled at both of them.

"Alright, well," I sighed, "we have some work to do. I'll see you around. Thanks again, champ." I smiled at Harry eagerly while I patted him on the shoulder.

"Anytime, Em." He nodded. Merlin, he's calling me by my nickname. Emelia, your heart is racing. Abort. Abort now. Run.

I linked my arms with my best friends and turned to walk away. They giggled next to me and began fighting over who would get to go with who.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now