"What about going to Atticus' house?" Nora asked as the boy struggled to put on his leather jacket.

"Go without me Rory, have fun though." It was hard to swallow what he said, watching him run and see potter swing his arm around Sirius' shoulder as he looked back with a smirk on his face. Nora stood on the patio before she heard her mother call her in for something.

"Bye Sirius." The brunette mumbled, sadly walking back into the house without her twin brother and younger brother, going to change her clothes and now going to Atticus' house for the rest of the day.

Snapping out of the memory and realizing where she was, Nora admired the empty corridors tonight, they were her favourite thing. Sneaking past the prefects to do her homework in the astronomy tower with Atticus, both needing to finish their astronomy homework anyways, seemed like an everyday thing.

"No way you actually did that to the James Potter." Atticus whispered, being informed on Nora's shenanigan last night after the game.

"Well of course!" Nora got herself riled up, looking both ways before the two tip toed to the other side of the wall, "he was being a dick, practically telling me that they're might be a snake in my bed." She scoffed, fixing her book bag.

"And nobody witnessed it? Not even his friends?" Atticus had to ask, getting Nora to stop and have Atticus hit her back.

"Uh, probably not mate, it was getting quite dark, and these windows don't show you shite." Pointing to the window near her, she knew if you were to see people outside they would look like small objects moving by the quidditch field. "Don't scare me like that." Nora snapped, heading towards the stairs when the two heard some talking.

Backing into a wall and putting her hands to her mouth and Atticus; Nora slowed down her breath as Atticus started to freak out. She couldn't make out as to who it was, hearing a girl laughing and a boy speaking. "It's Evans." Atticus muffled through Nora's head, slobbering it by accident.

"Fuck off." The brunette gasped, swearing under her breath and coming up with a plan, hearing their voices get louder. "Follow my lead." Nora whispered to Atticus, counting on three and beginning give Atticus their book bag.

"Honestly I don't understand how you can forget about your bag being in the astronomy tower" Nora aggressively whispered to the boy and winking at him.

"It's not my fault, she distracted me and then we were in the back of the Library." Atticus freaked out, giving the most ridiculous lie.

"Hey guys! What are you doing up? It's past curfew." Nora turned to see not only Lily Evans on duty but Remus lupin also, walking towards them.

"Dumbass here left his book bag in the astronomy tower, we were getting it as we were done helping Madame pince clean up the library— well I was as he was doing something like else." Patting his chest playfully and grinning excessively, Nora looked at the way the two communicated with their eyes. "And this was a two person job Nora?" Lupin asked, crossing his arms.

"Well of course, me and Atticus do everything together— it's almost like we're twins." Harshly saying the word she was never allowed to say and feeling herself going to vomit, Atticus squealed as she had to kick his ankle.

"Point is," Nora continued, "We are sorry for being up past curfew but now that we have his bag we are heading to the kitchens." Nora joked, seeing lupin chuckle a little.

"No you can't do that." Evans said, stating the obvious. "Lily she's kidding, it's hard to understand her sarcasm sometimes." The boy whispered.

"Well alright." Evans sighed, putting her wand back into her boot. Nora looked at Atticus wondering if he saw what she saw, both looking at the red head weirdly. "I'm going to let you two off the hook, just this one time!" Evans put up one finger in the air, warning both Atticus and Nora, seeing the approving nod from lupin.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now