A Helping Hand

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     Cal immediately sized up the huge black dragon. It was at least three times the size of the gold one, and, Cal expected, three times as deadly. It had huge wings and midnight black eyes, with silver teardrops around the outward corners of them.  

     Then, Cal noticed something weird about the bigger dragon. He wasn't completely black. He had a ridge of white scales along his back. The bigger, black dragon growled something at the smaller one, but it didn't sound threatening. 

Cal ignited his lightsaber. The black dragon froze in his tracks and rumbled something to the smaller, gold one. Cal dived behind his nook and tried to hide his saber's glow.

     He peeked over the edge of the nook to see the black dragon rumble something to the wall right next to him. He looked, and the weirdest thing happened. A dragon-like shape slowly turned itself into a vibrant, color-changing dragon whose scales made Cal's eyes hurt.

     And, a dragon was laying on the wall, probably hidden from the colorful dragon's camouflage. It also peeled itself off the wall. The big, black dragon grabbed something out of his bag, an hourglass. It pointed it at the smaller, gold one.  

     The hourglass spun for a second, then stopped. A little bit of white sand was on the bottom, and a mountain of black sand was on the top. Then, Cal noticed that the sand in the hourglass wasn't drifting down to the bottom. It was just staying in place. 

    The black dragon pointed the hourglass at itself. The hourglass spun a second time, and a mountain of black sand outweighed the white sand by a lot. The black dragon roared in fury and threw the hourglass away from him. The gold dragon said something to the bigger, black one, but it just seemed to make the black dragon even angrier. 

     Cal then felt as if he were being watched. He spun around and almost decapitated a smaller, black dragon. It pointed at the other raging dragon at then pointed at him. He put two and two together. "Wait. You. Want ME. To go fight a raging dragon who's 10 times bigger than me? Well, I've done stupider things, so I'll give it a go." 

     He waited until the dragon had its back to him, then he scrambled up on top of him. The black dragon, caught by surprise, grunted curiously and picked him up. He swung around to face the giant black dragon. It shrugged and shook him a bit. 

    Cal's lightsaber had been shaken out of his hand by the grab. He closed his eyes and reached out with the Force. The black dragon grunted curiously and shook him a bit more. Cal's lightsaber flew into his hand. He automatically ignited it and sliced off the black dragon's huge talon. It roared with fury and pain, and Cal leaped up and sliced his head clean off.

     The dragon's huge body smashed into the cave floor with a ginormous thud. Cal panted, then saw that all of the other dragons were staring at him. The black, small dragon came up to him and rumbled something. Cal thought he was lunch for these dragons, so he tried to make a break for it. He lunged for the open cave mouth, but the golden dragon suddenly grabbed him with one swift move of his talon.

     Cal tried to break free, but the golden dragon had a firm grip on Cal. They suddenly were up in the air, winging away. As they rose out of the cave, Cal wondered how he would die. Cooked over an open flame? Sliced into strips and eaten raw? Drained of blood and forced to watch as they slurped it up? All of them? He saw his B-Wing, smoldering in the dunes. 

    He wished that those patrols hadn't seen him. He wished that those TIEs hadn't shot his engines. He wished that he hadn't gone into hyperspace and crashed. He wished that he hadn't had met these blood-thirsty dragons who were probably going to eat him. He wished that, and a lot more. He wished a lot, for near-impossible things.

How was it? Good? Luke Skywalker good? Bad? Total Sideous trash? Worse? (If you pick this, I don't even want to know what your expectations are for this book.) Chapters usually will come out 2-3 days apart, if I'm not too busy. See you later!


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