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                                                                             Cal's B-Wing (Above)

Cal's star speeder streaked above the moon of Endor. Scout troopers had spotted him, and they had called in some TIE fighters, which were in hot pursuit. Cal suddenly swiveled around and caught the TIEs by surprise. He locked on to the one on the left and fired. KAPLEWIE! A lump of fiery metal fell towards the thick forests below. 

    The TIE on the right, Cal noticed, was aiming right at his exposed engines. PEW! PLEWIE! BLAMO! Cal's star speeder groaned and shifted, but stayed in the air. He shot down the other TIE with a well-placed round of photon torpedoes. 

    Cal limped his badly damaged spacecraft higher until he reached the end of the atmosphere. Then, he heard some roaring. The roaring of ion engines. Like... MORE TIE FIGHTERS!? REALLY!? Cal knew he couldn't run with his damaged engines, nor could he fight, because there were a LOT of TIEs. The Empire wanted him dead for good, it seemed.

    He knew it was risky, but Cal pushed some buttons on his overhead display and was about to reach for the hyperspace lever when something went thunk on the roof of his ship. He ignited his lightsaber and walked slowly, out of the cockpit and into the storage room. Turns out, it was a thermal bomb, placed right in his storage room.

      Cal, quick as light, scooped up the bomb, opened up the storage a tiny bit, and flung it at the pursuing TIEs. The good news. the bomb blew up a few TIEs, and they all veered into the others around them. The bad news was that the fighters in the back had realized what had happened, and swerved to avoid the massive lump of metal and flames.

      The lightsaber-wielding Jedi ran back to the cockpit and finally punched the lever. He immediately knew something was wrong. The engines were straining, and before he could do anything, the ship veered out of control and swerved out into space.

    Cal woke up to his B-Wing spiraling out of control. His mind was sluggish, but he got up and surveyed his surroundings. Things that weighed tens on tons were being tossed around like feathers. Fighting his way to the storage room door, he opened it up with a press of a button and heaved himself out into the empty air. he turned around as he saw his spacecraft smash into the dunes below.

    Cal hit the sand a moment later, spraying sand everywhere and not dying a painful death. "Why gee," he thought. "It's almost like I have plot protection!" He stood up and salvaged what he could from the spacecraft, including a canteen of water and some instant food packages.

     He walked, and walked, and walked for miles and miles, stopping to rest in the dunes. He had almost emptied his canteen when he came to a cave. He decided to rest up and sleep a bit, then go look for water in the morning. He did wake up, but not because of light. He was hearing wing beats. And so, he scrambled into a nook and hid in there. And he saw an enormous black dragon with a smaller, gold one thud into the cave.  Unbeknownst to Cal, he had just met the legend who tried to overthrow the Night Kingdom throw and claim it for himself, the dreaded animus who could read minds and see the future, Darkstalker.

Hope you guys like this first chapter! Feels free to comment if you guys have any ideas for new chapters, new stories, or if you want me to visit your own story! Also, go check out my other book that also has Wings of Fire in it, Finding Winter. 

Peace, Slicer

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