Chapter 3

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You've spent most of your time tanning with Natasha either talking about something or reading a magazine or book. You've also been to the beach a couple of times and you played volleyball there which was pretty fun since Bruce was always falling down trying to catch the ball and Thor didn't quite understand that he is not supposed to catch it. Today you split up since some of you wanted to try surfing while some preferred to do other activities at the house. Actually only you, Bucky, and Cap went even though Sam wanted to come along but he got seasick from driving on the boat earlier so you figured that he should have some rest first.

The three of you, everyone with a surfboard in one hand and a wetsuit in the other, headed to the beach. It was a challenge to put on the wetsuit since it was just so tight but you managed to do it after some time, but still struggled with zipping up the zipper. "Wait let me", Steve said helping you close it. "Man these suits are tighter than the ones we have to wear during our missions", you said doing a couple of stretches before grabbing the board. "Let's do this.", you said looking at them and receiving a nod of agreement.

It was tricky keeping your balance on the board once you managed to find the right wave and stand up, but after a few tries you got the hang of it and you were surfing around doing some small jumps and trying new tricks, before falling in the water. You climbed on the board and paddled to Steve and Bucky who were sitting on their boards watching you. "That was amazing (Y/n). I'm impressed.", Steve admitted, while you sat back up on the board.

Just as Bucky was about to say something you notice a giant wave coming right at you. "Woah look at that one! That's definitely going to be my wave", you said slowly paddling your way towards it. "Are you sure (Y/n)? It looks pretty big, maybe you should wait for another one.", Bucky shouted behind you. "Nah I've got this", you shouted back full of confidence.

The wave was indeed massive but you didn't let it scare you off so you climbed on your board and surfed alongside it, fully concentrating on trying to remain on the board as long as possible. But before you could realize what was about to happen, the wave started to come down at you not giving you any time to react. You stumbled to the front landing awkwardly on the board and a sharp pain shot through your right foot. The wave pushed you underwater making you fight to swim to the surface but the strong force was just not letting you. You started to panic which resulted in you not being able to hold your breath for as long as you wanted to. The water started to enter your lungs causing a burning sensation and making you beg for air. Finally, something pulled you out allowing you to cough out all the water while you tried to breathe in the fresh air.

You were coughing like crazing and fighting for air that just didn't seem to want to enter your body. The person who pulled you out was now running and carrying you out of the water. He quickly placed you on the sand and patted you on the back harshly, making you cough up, more like vomit out, all the water that entered your body. You could finally took in a big breath of air that felt amazing compared to the burning sensation you felt before. You closed your eyes breathing in and out again finally being able to take notice of your surroundings. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Are you crazy?! That wave could have killed you! I told you not to do it!" Bucky was shouting, he looked furious. You could see his hands shaking and his eyes were wide open staring at you with such a scared and worried expression. "Bucky", you weakly said with a smile feeling lightheaded and suddenly very sleepy. "(Y/n)? Don't close your eyes now, stay with me!", Bucky said before all the lights suddenly went out.

When you opened your eyes again you were laying in your bed at the beach house. The curtains were closed, drenching the room in darkness. You sat up looking around the room to only find an open first aid kit on the nightstand. You slowly stood up and opened the curtains to let some light in, but it was already dark outside.

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