Chapter 5

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In the kitchen you spotted Thor standing in front of the stove, surrounded by a huge mess while holding a pan. You walked closer seeing the floor around him covered in flour and dough and it smelled like burned pancakes. "What in the world are you doing?", you asked laughing at how hard he was trying to flip the pancake in the pan. "Ah lady (Y/n), I'm trying to do this trick they do in the movies.", he said while swinging the pan making yet another pancake fall to the floor. "Here let me.", you said while taking the pan from his hand. You continued making the pancakes since you figured that if you let Thor do it, you would need to wait the whole day.

Just as you were flipping the last pancake you spotted Alpine beside you trying to eat what Thor left behind on the floor. "Wait no don't eat that!", you said picking her up and placing her on the counter. She sat down and stared at you while you stared back at her and petted her head. "You must be hungry.", you said searching the cabins for cat food and when you had found it you also grabbed the bowl beside it and filled it up, of course not forgetting to place a bowl of water beside it. Alpine jumped off the counter and brushed against your leg, as if to thank you, before walking to the food and enjoying it with a quiet purr. "Weird... I never saw that beast be so nice.", Thor said looking at the scene in front of him. "He usually hisses at me when I try to make peace with him.", he said while looking at the cat with an angry expression. "Well you know what they say dogs and cats just don't get along.", you said jokingly, placing the plate of pancakes on the desk before asking Jarvis to inform everyone that breakfast is served.

Not even a minute later Peter came running to the table and sat next to you followed by Natasha, Steve, and Sam. Since Bruce and Tony were working on a big project they had already eaten so they wouldn't be joining you. "God (Y/n) you are the best!", Peter said before grabbing a pancake. Thor looked offended so you said: "Actually it was Thor's idea but he... he just didn't really know how to properly execute it.", you said starting to laugh. "Very funny Lady (Y/n), but I have learned tremendously from you, just by watching.", he added with a smile.

Everyone was enjoying the breakfast and they all complimented your cooking skills especially Peter even though they knew that you actually weren't that good, you just had a gift for making pancakes. Suddenly you noticed that Bucky was missing. "Where's Buck?", you asked looking at Steven and taking a bite. "Oh, he usually doesn't like to eat with a larger group of people so he went to his room. He will get there, he just needs time to get more comfortable, that's all.", Steve answered shrugging.

You actually wanted to have him here, but you couldn't say that of course. You felt sorry for him because he was sitting alone in his room while all of you were together. Even before you could finish your thoughts the first few people, Nat and Cap, were already leaving since they needed to solve the issue they discussed earlier. Sam followed them and Thor and Peter started cleaning everything up before they got comfortable on the couch. You looked at the plate of pancakes you were holding and sighed before you made your way up to Bucky's bedroom.

You stood in front of his room trying to think of what excuse you are going to use for entering his room with a plate of pancakes when suddenly Alpine appeared out of nowhere and started to scratch at the door. Before you could even realize what was about to happen the door opened and Bucky, clearly surprised that you were standing in front of his door, was looking at you. "Surprise", you said smiling a little and holding the pancakes up. "Here take it.", you added shoving it in his hands. Still confused he looked at the pancakes and back at you. "I figured that I should bring you something since you were not going to come downstairs. And I think that nobody should eat by themself so..", you said and picked up Alpine and continued: "You will have company." He started smiling and turned back nodding for the two of you to enter.

His room was different than yours, it was covered in darker colors compared to your colorful, bright room. You spotted an old photo of him and Steve and instantly had to smile a little. You sat down on his bed and he sat next to you, the both of you facing each other while he placed the plate on the bed. Alpine jumped on your lap her eyes just begging to be pet. Of course, you fulfilled her wish and started petting her head and, after she rolled on her back, also her tummy.

"Your Majesty" | Bucky x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora