Teacher MC is sick! #2

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This chapter is basically me channeling my inner teacher and just attempting to emotional tormen- I mean help these kids and just me cursing Crowley and
y/n is an adult, also Here MC is the therapist and Crowley was kind enough to give her an actual office! Yay.

Warning: cursing and the use of 'baby' or nicknames are not romantic I just love giving nice names.


- Yes Vil I know I look terrible you don't need to point that out, Nope get that drink away from me, even if it's medicine I won't trust anything that comes from ANY student, I only trust Crewell!

- Rook I know that you blindly trust Vil but you saw it yourself the day of the VDC, HELL NO!

- Well Epel I can't do magic like you and Crewell won't teach me pois- potions because he doesn't want me 'accidentally' ending a certain someone's life, Professor Trein was kind enough to teach me history, Sam doesn't want me hanging out with his other friends and No offense to Professor Vargas but I'll hang out with him over Crowley's dead body that's the only reason he's still alive.

- No Idia darling, this is not my final moments don't say that, oh you brought me flowers how nice! Can you be the flower boy in my funeral? Oh no! It was a joke I swear stop crying!

- Ortho please don't look at me like that, it was a harmless joke!

- Tsunotaro this is not what it looks like- no I don't think going to sleep for a hundred years is a good idea, but I think it'll be a very good nap tho

- Lilia what is that?! Listen if what Jade gave me was intentional, I'm afraid your good intentions will put me in my grave which to be honest is something I thought the first years would have already done a long time ago, so maybe I'll have to give it Crowley as a thank you gift for his very hard work.

- Silver dear don't sleep at the end of the bed like this your body will hurt- great now I have to move another body to off

- Sebek no. If I'm going to die I need to die in silence. Thank you

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