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Hi you guys, it's been a while and I missed writing, but I've been so stressed out and alot has been going on, college will start soon and I feel very sad lately, I deeply apologize for those who had requests or where looking forward to a senario, I'm taking a temporary long break from twisted wonderland but I might return but not to this book.

I would like to thank all of my reader you guys have been making my days with your comments and voting and some of you followed me which was very nice.

I recently watched tokyo revengers  and it was really good I might go crazy and make a book for them but who knows.

Thanks for 35k you guys, it has been a pleasure to write and enjoy reading your comments and oc senarioes and the book meant alot to me and you guys were the best part and I'll miss you all so much.

Thank you all again, stay hydrated and stay safe, Goodbye.

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