Teacher MC with no sleep

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This chapter is basically me channeling my inner teacher and trying not to choke Crowley because he done messed up this time also Here MC is the therapist and Crowley was kind enough to give her an actual office! Yay.

Warning: cursing and the use of 'baby' or nicknames are not romantic I just love giving nice names.


- *Sniff sniff* something is burning, TREEEEYYYYY! NO I DON'T CARE IF YOU GREW UP IN A BAKERY, GET AWAY FROM THE OVEN!, oh this cookie is for me Awwww wait is this an Ace shaped cookies.... If I bite his head first I won't feel guilty.

- Leona where is Ruggie? Why do you not know?! Somewhere with food huh ... TREY!

- OMG Ruggie get down from that tree I promise to get you more donuts baby please, back in my arms you go.

- look at how small you are! I could fit you in my bag, I'll tell you a secret but don't tell anyone okay I'll borrow money from Crowley and me and you will get lots of donuts okay? Okay okay look at that beautiful smile.




- Jack where's Epel? WHERE?! RIP Epel even I can't save you from Vil's wrath

- Yes Jade what? What do you mean Floyd is eating Azul? NO FLOYD AZUL IS NOT FOOD!

- SAM KEEP YOUR OTHER FRIENDS AWAY FROM MY KIDS!! oh you can take Ace don't even bother giving him back he's your problem now

- Ortho please call Crowley

- CROWLEY I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T- oh you found the cure finally!

~~~~~ a multiple hours later ~~~~~

- No Crowley I'm not crying! I'm allergic to happiness now shut up!!

- Divius I'm so sorry for calling you an entitled brat but please *sniff* don't stop the cash I really need it.

- Riddle I hope you're not planning on collaring anybody except Ace for the next couple of weeks.

- Trey no more stress baking, come talk to me that's why I'm here to begin with

- Cater honey I wanted to buy you a new phone but I don't even know if I can afford my next meal so hang in there okay?

- Ace I got nothing to say to you

- Deuce how are you feeling? Good that's great remember to visit me more okay, what Ace? Yes I care for all my students, are you one of them I'm going to to use my authority to not answer that question.

- Leona you will be seeing Cheka weekly, don't you dare argue with me!

- Ruggie we'll get donuts together soon don't forget our plan okay, mind your own business Leona!

- Jack please I can only count on you, please tell me if they ever want to burn down the school so I can join them, just kidding or not?

- Azul I don't think you'll be clinging to my leg anymore haha-! Aww don't start crying you can always come talk to me in the office.

- Both of you don't speak to me, because of you Azul is traumatized!

- No kalim I will not be repeating this again

- Yes Jamil I will not be doing this again, you're not the only traumatized soul after this experience.

- No Vil I don't know what happened to your rare perfume collection

- Rook please I just want to go home

- *whispers to Epel* you are in so much trouble.

- Idia I Know you want to go to your room and I won't stop you but please visit the office whenever you can alright?

- Malleus you are invited every week for tea time in my office I'll send you the invitations

- No Lilia you don't need therapy you need help

- Silver.... Please don't sleep outside, someone might mistake you for a corpse and kiss you

- No Sebek you may not come with Malleus to our tea time.


Thank you for reading.

Twisted Wonderland oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora