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'Is it just me, or are you trying to play a children's game?'- Y/N's tone came out in extreme disbelief. 

The now newly 'exchanged' couple looked at each other's faces with hints of what seemed like, I-told-you-so looks. 

'Let's go and get dinner, while your fathers will explain it to you.'- Areum said, to which Mina nodded and motioned the seven boys towards herself, who followed, with unexplainable expressions on their faces. 

Y/N stood up and walked over to Boemgyu and Kai who were sitting beside each other in extreme shock. Being the most childish and not really mature, she pulled them up and held one of their hands in each of hers walking ahead, while motioning the other three to follow her.

They sat down around the 18-set dining table, with 7 seats facing on both sides, and 2-2 facing the other two sides. 

The seating arrangement-

              - Soobin Yeonjun Y/N Kai Beomgyu Taehyun           

Kim Mina                                                                     Kim Seowon

Choi Hyunjae                                                               Choi Areum

      Jin  Namjoon Taehyung  Jungkook Jimin Suga Hoseok 

Once settled, the dishes and everything were served. Slowly, it became all silent except for the sound of clashing of cutlery against the plates, and low murmurs among the younger ones. 

Once done, they waited for the desert, as the silence was broken, 

'I understand all of you might be confused, and even frustrated, just listen to us for once, without speaking in between, hm?'- Mina said to which the others nodded. 

'We're doing this because of a problem. Last month deals were signed with two of the most famous companies in the whole world, but apparently, on that day, your mother, *he looked at Y/N and the five* came to my cabin to give me some documents that Hyunjae had sent. However, the thing was, at that same time, the dealers entered. And they mistook her to be my wife, considering, we were talking like good friends that time, or in their perspective, like a husband and wife.'

'That same day, when I was about to go to him, I saw Hyunjae waiting for Areum. When I got to know that she was in the company itself, I asked him to come with me and to have tea with us. But, well, the deal was being finalized that time, and seeing me and Hyunjae, again, the dealers thought of us as a couple. Before we could change it, they told their secretary to add our name to the celebration party. And so then, we knew we were stuck.'- Mina spoke.

'But that doesn't mean you'll divorce and then marry each other!'- Taehyung spoke, to which the rest nodded. 

'You are right, the thing is that the dealers are foreign, and they aren't the ones who'd like too complicated things. So, we have decided to let it be, and once the deal is completed which will take a year or so, we'll be back to our original lives.'- Areum said.

'And besides, it's not even a true divorce or marriage, both will be fake, it's just that we need documents made, and pictures were taken to make them agree, if some problem arises in future, just in case.'- Seowon added. 

'So, why do we all have to, as you know, do we have anything that has to be done on our side?'- Soobin asked, frowning, and trying not to look like he's against everything, which apparently, he is, same for the others.

'Well, the reason we made you all meet and told you about all this is that...you'll become stepsiblings, and already, since we're both good friends with each other, and Mina and I are Cousins, that automatically means you're cousins too, just there's an advancement, the title has now become stepsiblings.'

And that's when the lights in the villa went off, the thunder striking outside loud enough, with the guards informing about the weather forecast, 'There is a thunderstorm, and sadly, it'll continue for the next few hours, or maybe even more.'

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