In The Dusk

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Prompt: The fairies move at twilight

In The Dusk

I hear the soft fluttering of wings

And it brings me out of my restless sleep the grandfather clock in the hall tings

It startles me so I let out a peep

I slowly crept towards my window

To see what could be causing the soft sound

I look towards the garden below

I scanned the damp ground

The flutter continues softly at first

My eyes focus in the darkness

The fear causes my heart to burst

My eyes see nothing in this vastness

My breathing becomes calm and steady

My senses are on high alert

The smell of roses makes my brain heady

I stand there in just my pink shirt

I open my window to the summer breeze

It smells strongly of wildflowers

I looked across the yard towards the trees

Their trunks stand as tall as towers

I see a light dancing in the garden

A small glow on top of the lilies

My lips pull into a grin

They're so small they could dance with the bees

they twinkle like fireflies before me

As they dance among the soft roses

They sing a sweet melody

As they spin in different poses

I can never quite make out there song

But the melody can calm the roughest tide

In my garden is where they belong

Because they feel like they don't have to hide

They tip toe and twirl so magically

Their languid movements are peaceful

I watch them so quietly

I don't want to startle them so I'm careful

The fairies usually move at twilight

While everyone sleeps in their warm beds

They bring us peace and love at night

As we lay down our tired heads

They give us magic, love and hope

As they spin to their beautiful song

They help the weak cope

They help the outcasts belong

If I could be like them fairies I would sing every night

I would help the world in so many ways

While dancing in the pale moonlight

That's how I would spend my days

I say goodbye to the fairies in the night

As I pulled the covers to my chin

The fairies will sing and protect me

And that's how this story will begin

A.D. Small

January 19, 2021

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