chapter 16

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Yasmine can't believe on her eyes, she was happy. Cause aladdin never cheated her. She looked at meher angrily. She slapped her twice.

Meher was shocked why like this happened.

Yasmine - why are you jealous of us. Can't you see us happy.

She walked away from there angrily 😠 😡.

Near aladdin *

Mm also told aladdin that yasmine was cheating on him.

Aladdin didn't believed her.

But she told him to call ginie mini for proof .

She did her magic, and aladdin was shocked to see a guy giving flowers to yasmine. And yasmine accepted it.

Aladdin knew that ginie mini's magic could not make mistake. So he believed what he saw.

He was sad ,angry. He walked away from there.

While walking he met yasmine.

Yasmine- aladdin, you here. That meher was trying to.....

He didn't let her complete and slap her for the first time.

Yasmine- aladdin...

Aladdin- you are a lier. a great lier. You broke my heart into million pieces. Don't call my name.

Yasmine- atleast tell me what happened.

Aladdin- there is nothing to tell ,just leave from here. There is no need of you, so just leave. I will send my soldiers with you for dropping you with that zafar. You can help him.

Yasmine- aladdin, tell me what I did.

Aladdin- Soldiers, take her with you to  her beloved Baghdad.

They followed his order , and held yasmine tightly.

Aladdin went to garden. And cried his heart out. Ginie mini came there.

Ginie mini- master Don't cry. I too don't believe that princess yasmine did this. Forget it.

Aladdin- really love is a waste of time ⏲. I wasted my whole 4 months in this heart breaker love.

Ginie mini- now stop crying, and let's go.

She consoled him anyhow and took him to his room

She told him to sleep. And he slept.
She really felt bad for aladdin .

Near mm and meher *

Meher - yes, finally mom we are successful. Your ideas are really useful. You know what , I forget to wear that ring. But still we are successful.

Mm - not my idea but Mallika's idea.

Meher- who is this Mallika.

Mm - wait I will tell you everything from STARTING.


Mm was thinking how to separate alasmine. Suddenly a person came to her mind who can help her.

Mm - Mallika, yes Mallika. She can help me.

She took out a stone from her wardrobe, and rubbed it 5 times.

There was a magical girl standing there.

Mm - I want your help Mallika.

Mallika - what help ?

Mm explained her everything.

Mallika- hmm, sounds interesting. Zafar too wants them to get separated. And also wants to destroy Turkistan. But I am actually helping him.

Mm - you know zafar ?

Mallika- yes, yasmine's fiancé. His enemy kidnapped Yasmine, who is princess of Baghdad.

Mm- what, the girl which aladdin loves is kidnapped, then how can she fall in love with him.

Mallika- very long story, I will tell you later. First let me do my work, which you told me.

Mallika closed her eyes and whispered something.

Two rings came in her hand. She opened her eyes and gave it to Mm.

Mm - Mallika, I told you to separate them, not to give ring for thier engagement.

Mallika- wait ,let me explain what this  ring can do.

Mm -ok

Mallika- whenever you will wear this ring and imagine something that will come true.

Mm - but I want to separate them.

Mallika in her mind - this women is really dumb.

Mm - Mallika, where are you lost.

Mallika- I think you didn't understand what I meant.

Hope you guys liked the story. Please vote ,comment and share. Sorry for not updating yesterday. So I thought to update yesterday's chapter after half hour.

~Yours firdos

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