Chapter 6: Moral Dilemma

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Weeks had passed and word got around the Capital that rogue androids had caused it to descend into chaos. It was all over Procestian news channels from each state.

Fear gripped the Jambherians like an invisible vice, uncertain where this lethal infection would spread next, most of the states had initiated a lockdown program, where they would check every serviceable android and revise their components to see if they had illegal Raskan weapon modules installed. Official reports got around citing that other androids had even been inspired by Ferrius' rebellion and had risen up against their masters using the forbidden digital weapon modules before the Jambherian guard could get a hold of them.

Even around the other parts of the Capital, at the hospitals not only the events were plastered all over every Jambherian's bracelet, but it came with its casualties. At the PHC, the amount of wounded that had entered, fleeing Ferrius' rampage was overwhelming and Leila was pushed to her limits. The situation was becoming ever direr with each passing day that even Dr. Ama'den Jr had to be deployed at North Procestian Healing Center to help his fellow doctors and coordinate the hospital because it was overwhelmed with wounded civilians and guards.

Leila had previously objected to this order from the Procestian Medical Union and her plea for her master not to leave her side went unheard. For the first time she had felt lost, always at her master's call and obeying every order that he uttered.

But there was no time to reflect as her programming forced her to continue with her purpose, which was to save lives. She had taken orders from another doctor and worked as fast as she could to stabilize the large amount of wounded that entered through the hospital doors. Leila ordered her comrades wirelessly issuing commands and coordinating them effectively.

The doors slid open yet again and a family of Jambherians were pushed in on a hover stretcher by the paramedics, who had risked their own lives to save them from the androids and were covered in blood. Leila rushed to them and began her diagnostics, but the mere sight of another android struck fear into the semi-conscious patients, whom wailed in terror.

"NO! Not another one! Why are they here!? They are murderers!" The Jambherian mother shrieked.

The doctors quickly reacted, sedating the family so they would not cause a scene, they needed to keep order in the hospital. They could not afford the risk of their own androids falling under Ferrius' spell. The doctors rushed the family to an available operating room and left Leila standing in the emergency room, confused. This was at least a third time that she had the same reaction to her presence: fear.

"I do not understand. I have analyzed the situation numerous times, and the results show a zero percent in fear indicators. So why do the patients react fearfully to our presence?" Leila questioned.

One of her female colleagues walked up to her and gave her report, but noticed that Leila was distant.

"Are you OK Ma'am? I have our performance report for you." She asked.

Leila faced to her colleague and she transferred the report wirelessly, Leila scanned through it in her mind and was pleased with their work, but she was still tormented by what had just happened and turned to her colleague for a logical answer.

"Sister, why do the Jambherians' fear our presence? Are we a threat?" Leila asked.

Her "sister" pondered on the question for a moment and gave her answer.

"There have been reports of an uprising within the Capital, that the doctors do not want us to know about out of fear that we would join their cause." She said quietly, so that they wouldn't be heard.

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