Chapter 3: L31L4

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Another day drew to a close on the Capital, the sun had set and as the inhabitants rested their weary heads, only the emergency services were active during the night, such as the Capital's main hospital; The Procestian Healing Center or more commonly known as the PHC. Ever since the first sightings of the old Raskan Corp. androids some Jambherian guards that patrolled the streets at night had tried to detain them, but their efforts were in vain as the androids were equipped with digitally constructible weaponry and caught them by surprise, since the guards weren't expecting any resistance.

Almost every night at least one Jambherian guard was rushed into the emergency sickbay with severe injuries, clinging on to their lives as the doctors and nurses tried to save them. A lot of them died and their deaths went on record, at first the doctors thought nothing of it, their deaths classed as work accidents, but soon these scenes became more frequent as the guards began to investigate the mysterious sighting of these armed androids and this night was to be no different. The medical androids all dressed in white nurses' outfits, male and female models alike, rushed about the hospital's several hundred sickbays and operating rooms, aiding the Jambherian doctors in their work, supplying them with the tools and medicines that they needed, by digitally constructing them using their artificial intelligence much like the technology that the Jambherian's use in their bracelets.

Since everything was digitally constructed and digitally stored within their bodies it allowed them to store an almost infinite amount of items, ranging from weapons to everyday items, much like every single android on Procestious was capable of doing. However the medical androids were different than their non-medical comrades. These androids were based off Raskan Corp.'s models but were not actually manufactured by them, instead they were produced by one of Procestious' most talented bioengineer, Dr. Ama'den whom didn't agree with Raskan Corp.'s idea of producing androids for war, he saw their potential to become healers, and since androids were prohibited to acquire these high profile positions due to their lack of emotional connection with the Jambherian people, he took Raskan Corps.'s designs and moulded them into nurses and healers. Dr. Ama'den had a vision, his desire was to create the ultimate healers, androids that were capable of aiding the sick and maimed, always with medicine at hand and able to perform any medical procedures in any situation. He wanted them to cherish and protect living things, providing help to anyone and anything that was organic, to protect Life as he put it.

But Dr. Ama'den knew that one day the Jambherian way of life would be threatened, so he fortified his creations programming with a powerful firewall, so that they couldn't be corrupted, as well as installing Raskan Corp. digital weaponry modules, so that his medical androids would be able to "defend" life if the situation demanded it. These defensive measures were embedded deep within their programming and only would be activated in extreme circumstances.

The nursing androids continued to rush about the hospital gathering medicine and supplies and aiding the medical staff in treating the wounded. One of these medical androids who was aiding several doctors was able to treat almost several patients at a time, and the doctors could see the determination in her blue mechanical eyes, something that was rare. The android's long, white synthetic hair bounced against her slender silicone body as she jumped from one patient to the next. The night dragged on as another Jambherian guard with severe injuries and this time the female android nurse was called over by a young Jambherian doctor.

"Leila! Come over here, I need you to assist me!" He yelled urgently.

Leila sprinted over to her master so quickly it looked like she was hovering off the ground, once at his side she could see that the patient was badly wounded and proceeded to scan his body.

"L31L4 reporting for duty Dr. Ama'den, scanning patient's wounds." She said and her eyes darted around as she analysed the patient.

"Patient has multiple puncture wounds, suggesting that he has been stabbed with a thin weapon." Leila reported.

Children of Jambheria: The Procestian WarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz