Chapter 2: Hidden Threat

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Days passed and the Elder's servants continued with their manual labor. The old Raskan Corp. androids ran around the mansion. Their old joints creaked as they did their chores. The leader of these old androids stood in the lobby and watched over his brethren; he was one of the first androids to be manufactured by Raskan. His bald, metallic head shone in the brightly lit lobby. His serial number read F3RR1US-X3, but he was known to others as Ferrius. He stood about two meters tall, and, as one of the older models, his silicone skin was not as perfect as the newer androids. The same was true of his eyes.

Since Ferrius didn't have any hair implants, small hatches on his head were exposed and on his forehead was stamped a large black bar code and his serial number. He watched sadly over his brothers and sisters, disgusted by the life that they had been cursed with. Day in and day out they were forced to cook, clean, and tend to the living quarters of their organic masters.

Anger and hatred were the only feelings that his emotion chip portrayed at the sight of this. He decided to go back to his quarters, when a newer, slicker android jogged towards him.

"Ferrius, my brother, I have been looking all over for you," The android said.

"You have a report for me, Valtron?" Ferrius asked, his arms crossed behind his back.

Valtron tidied his short, black hair, he gripped his brother's arm and took him to one side, so that no one would eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Our brothers and sisters are almost ready, brother. We scoured the abandoned Raskan factories that the old androids showed us and they have been equipped with what is left of their digital weaponry modules, as have I. We await your orders," he whispered, almost unable to hide his excitement.

Ferrius, pleased with this news, said, "Excellent, tonight we shall review the plans and we will soon begin our campaign of salvation."

Ferrius paused for a moment and stared out of one of the mansion's gigantic glass windows. Valtron quickly broke his train of thought.

"Ferrius? Are you alright?" He asked.

Ferrius began to walk down the corridor and soon after made his way out into the beautiful flower garden at the back of the mansion with Valtron following close behind. The two strolled through the garden and Ferrius was silent as they walked, Valtron was confused by his sudden silence.

"Where are we going, brother?" He asked again.

"I going to show you something." Ferrius finally answered.

They reached the glass and airdium rail at the edge of the garden, Ferrius stood there and looked down at the large hole below them. They saw the desolate Jambherian slums, the outcasts of society, Jambherians that had not wanted to or couldn't swear their lives to science. A doctrine implanted by their Elder, every Jambherian is given an emerald colored airdium bracelet at birth, they have no choice but to accept their obligations and prove their worth to their society, they become scientists, engineers, surgeons, even warriors, but they cannot escape their destiny once they have discovered it.

They are trapped and those who are not worthy or deny their purpose are cast out into what is known as The Hollow. The ones that are not worthy have their bracelet stripped from them and the ones who rebel against their destiny rip it from their arms, leaving them with scars.

Since they cannot construct anything digitally they are left to build their communities with the scraps that society dumps there and live their unconnected lives hidden away from it.

"Valtron, do you know why we are going to rise up?" Ferrius asked.

"Because they treat us like slaves, when we could do so much more?" Valtron answered firmly.

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