Part 10: Oak's Biggest Mistake?

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"Hell yeah!" Phil shouted, "And, ya know what? Call me Proxy." He said, "I always liked that name." He looked at Mewtwo, "So? Will you train with us?"

Mewtwo laughed a little. "Hahaha, I will train you all if you want."

Everybody smiled and thanked him. Mewtwo and the others talked for a little bit, but over at Oak's house, the Professor was moving a few boxes around. "Oh man, I really should have cleaned this place out a while ago." Just then, a photo fell on the ground. He looked at the picture. He picked it up. Just then he thought back to years ago, back when he was thirteen.

Oak was busy moving some boxes, "I'm gonna have to clean out this room. I'll put a note on the fridge so I don't forget." With that he walked outside. "Man, it's a nice day."

"Hello there Sammy." He turned around and saw young Agatha.

"Hello Agatha, how are you today?" he asked.

She smiled, "I am good Sammy, so, are you excited for your next battle?"

Oak nodded. "Yes, though I doubt it will be much of a challenge."

Agatha laughed a little. "That's true you should be fine."

Oak nodded. "Thank you Aggy."

She blushed at him, "I'm so proud of you Sammy, you've come so far since three years ago." 

He nodded. "Yes I have, ever since Prof. Maple gave me my first pokeballs."

"I'll be watching you in the stadium." She said walking away. "Good luck beating the Pokémon league."

Oak smiled. "I don't need luck. See ya later." He started walking off to the Pokémon League. He entered into the arena through a long dark tunnel. He stepped out into the bright light and onto the stadium.

As he was waving around, a lady jumped out into the stage. "Welcome to Kanto's very first Pokémon League! We are in the finals now and we will now find out who the very first Champion of Kanto is!"

Another boy entered into the other side of the arena. Oak looked across at the boy. "This guy will be a breeze."

She pointed to Oak. "On this side is Samuel Oak from Pallet Town!" He waved to everyone and did a small bow. He looked across at the boy in black, who was Giovanni. "And on this side is a kid who only put his first name, Don!"

Giovanni just stood there smiling at Sam. "Good luck Oak."

Sam nodded. "Good luck to you too, you'll need it." He threw a pokeball. "Go Charizard!"

"Sandslash!" Giovanni threw a pokeball. "Sandslash use Sand Attack."

Oak laughed. "Doesn't affect Charizard since he's a flying type!" Oak pointed up. "Charizard fly up and use wing attack!"

Giovanni pointed down. "Dig in order to dodge the attack Sandslash!"

"Use Flamethrower on the ground!" Charizard used flamethrower on the ground causing it to get really hot.

Giovanni frowned. "Now Sandslash!" Sandslash burst from the ground using slash on Charizard.

Oak was taken aback, "Shit, that was a critical hit." Oak shook his head. "No matter, Now use Fire Punch!" Charizard used Fire punch knocking it down to the ground. Before Sandslash had time to get up, Oak shouted. "Quickly! Use Fire Blast and knock it out!" Charizard hit it with a Fire blast knocking it out.

The girl popped up again. "Sandslash is unable to battle! This match goes to Sam Oak!"

Giovanni recalled Sandslash and smiled. "Not bad kid."

Pokemon: Master Tales, Kanto Chronicles, 1.5Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя