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'𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳'



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i have excellent news.

the master of the demon slayer corps has requested for me to come and help them to find a cure to turn you and nezuko back into humans.

i have been working with your elder sister, shinobu.

she misses you dearly.

she was rather upset when i informed her about these letters and that i knew you were okay, but she isn't so upset now.

with this information, we have both been working on finding a way to bring you back home.

and we believe we have located the demon who's blood art can bring you back.

we will be able to obtain this demon within two days, so please, be ready.

in two days time, we will be able to bring you home.

love, tamayo (yushiro is away at the moment)



your mind was stuck on that letter,

home.. i get to go home.. i need to tell aizawa-sensei about this...

you shake your head a bit,

i'll do it later

still half-distant, you continue to destroy the ectoplasm clones.

i should think of some other blood demon arts.. 

so you take a seat, humming and holding your chin.

your eyes go wide as your mind drifts back to an encounter just a few days before you had come here.

this blood demon art would be useful. not for fighting, but for something else.

you breathe out, gulping and jumping off the ledge, hitting the ground.

the others had seemed to notice your odd behaviour, watching you as you walk over to aizawa.

you tug on aizawa's pant leg, he looks down at you.

your muzzle was off, "speak.. private"

he raises an eyebrow, but nods.

you both leave the room, you look down.

"mr. aizawa.. i'll be returning home in two days"

you look up, his eyes were wide.

"i have received a letter from someone back home. they are making a way to bring me back right now. she said it will be ready in two days" you say.

aizawa's eyes were stuck wide for a moment, before slowly lowering.


you give him a big hug, he was shocked for a moment before slowly rubbing your back.

"thank you, mr. aizawa. for everything"

you smile at him before running off to your room to prepare yourself.



the others had noticed how distant you were, and they were getting worried.

your eyes go wide as you see chachamaru out of the corner of your eye.

you abruptly stand up, running up to your room.

the others exchange worried glances, "is she okay?"

"she's been acting weirdly lately"

you quickly reach your room, slowly opening the door.

forming in the middle of your room was a green-ish purple.

you grab the small bag holding your demon slayer uniform and such, your katana was still on your leg.

you face the door again

"i'm sorry, guys. blood demon art, erase"

you hold your hands together, each decoration from your room slowly dissappearing.

from downstairs, any little memory of you was fading from class a's mind.

any memory of you was soon gone from anyone you had ever met's mind.

i'm sorry i never said goodbye, shinsou.. you were my best friend here

you gulp, squeezing your eyes shut and jumping through the portal.



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words ; 513

date posted ; 7/06/22


ℍ𝔼𝕃𝕀𝕆ℙℍ𝕀𝕃𝕀𝔸  | KNY!OC  X  BNHA Crossover (✔️)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora