000 ; Backstory

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(MANGA SPOILERS, I haven't read the manga but know the events so sorry if this is portrayed wrong :)) )

Amaya POV:

I couldn't do anything, my feet wouldn't move. There before me stood my sister on the verge of death, tears were spilling out of my eyes.

Despite being turned into a demon just a few minutes ago, I felt no hunger look at my older sisters body. I felt so weak at that moment, I couldn't save her from the demon known as Upper moon 2.

My whole body was shaking with rage, and sadness, my sister could only look at me with a small smile, knowing that I had kept my humanity, and that her dream may finally be able to come true. "Come here, Amaya" my big sister said, all I could do at that moment was drop to my knees and cradle her body gently "Onee-San!" I yelled out while squeezing her just slightly tighter "Don't leave me and Shino-Nii, Kanae-Nii!" I choked out, trying to hold back my tears, which failed miserably as they poured on my big sisters uniform. "I'm glad you and Shinobu are okay, Amaya" Kanae spoke out with a soft smile on her pale features. "No! Stop talking, please! Do total concentration or something to close the wounds" I yell, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry i couldn't protect you from becoming a demon Amaya, but I believe in you. I'm so proud of you and Shinobu and I'm sure you both will make great Hashiras someday soon." "No! Don't say that you're going to live! You have to!" I sobbed.

"I'm so happy that my dream of humans and demons living together, may someday finally come true. You are so strong and I want you to prove to the other hashiras that you won't hurt anybody, Okay? I'm sorry that I wasn't able to live long enough to see you and Shinobu become hashiras" Words wouldn't form so I just sat there, cradling her body while crying loudly.

"Please, Amaya. Promise me you will never hurt a human and you will never eat human flesh or blood, promise me that okay?" Kanae said "Y-yes Kanae-Nii, I promise. I will avenge you and I'll kill the bastard that killed you" I said to her with a determined look on my face, yet with tears still streaming down my face. Kanae chuckled softly " But please, refrain from using that kind of language" I looked at her blushing slightly, from embarrassment.

Kanae spoke out again " Please, tell Shinobu how proud of her I am and that I lover her very much. I love you both so much.." Her eyes slowly close and her body goes limp in my hold, all i can do is hold her to my chest and wail loudly.

Shinobu POV:

I was running around aimlessly, searching for uppermoon 2, tears streaming down my face knowing Kanae is dead and Amaya is a demon. I sigh painfully, knowing that that bastard is long gone and I am just wasting my time.

I take a deep breath and run towards the direction of my sisters, knowing well at this moment I have lost one sister and will have to kill the other.

When I walked in the temple I was expecting to see my sister being devoured by the demon that is my younger sister, most definitely don't my demonized younger sister wailing loudly while holding my older sisters limp body.

My eyes are wide with shock when my younger sister suddenly turns her head to look at me, I notice she's getting up, but it really looks like she's crying. All of a sudden she runs towards me and I unsheathe my katana, expecting her to attack me when she tackles me into a hug.

We are both pushed onto the ground by the sudden force and I just lay there, not knowing what to do while my younger sister cries into my shoulder. I finally look down at my sister noticing her features have changed slightly, her hair has gotten noticeably longer and the purple tips have come larger, she is a lot shorter and I can feel her sharp fangs rubbing against my shoulder slightly though not enough to hurt me.

ℍ𝔼𝕃𝕀𝕆ℙℍ𝕀𝕃𝕀𝔸  | KNY!OC  X  BNHA Crossover (✔️)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang