Chapter 6

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I came to work as early as possible because I knew how early Lina likes to come to work now and days in order to please Mr Ray. I wanted to be the first to ask her out for the industry entertainment turn up party coming up very soon. I checked my time and It was almost getting late to work hour but she hadn't come. Or maybe it's because of the Kiss of last night. I knew belina to be very strange at times.

Mary walked into the industry looking happier than ever. Like she just won a golden medal. She stole glances at me and that was when I knew something was up. She ran upstairs to get me coconut coffee which was my favourite as she had always done for me. She had really been so... Nice since I started this work with her but the only sad part is that I couldn't feel any feelings of mutual relationship between us. The only feelings I had for her were that of friendship and respect. She watched me sip some of the cocunut coffee and I ignored her countless winks and smiles. Getting tired of this overbearing steer, I was about to stand up and leave when Lina walked in and Mary quickly jumped up, ran to her and pulled her along with her to the restroom.

I walked into the office and I saw Mary steering at Paul intently and I felt troubled. I wondered how uneasy Paul must be feeling. I decided to ghost the both of them and walk towards my seat but Mary already sighted me. She quickly ran to me and pulled me into the restroom.

" How did it go? What was his response??" Mary asked with smiles beaming on her face.

I didn't know how to respond. I couldn't possibly tell her that I had falling for Paul too. That would be disastrous and I didn't also want what happened between Catherine and I to re occur. If I tell her that it went well. She would definitely run to Paul and blindly ask him out which will be a disaster because Paul will turn it down. I began to feel a terrible headache as thought ran through my mind and finally one seemed smart enough. I had gotten a mail from the company that tomorrow Mr Ray will be hosting an entertainment turn up party, I will begg Paul to ask her to the dance. I knew it would be difficult but I had to try anyhow.

"Are you there?" Mary said waving her hand over my face.

"Yeahhh... He said he likes you and that he has a surprise for you." I spilled out trying to be natural as possible.

"Really!!! That's great news, let me go and tell him that....."

Mary had hardly completed her words when I covered her mouth with my hands. I didn't want her to run to him or else she would find out the truth.

" uhmmm.. Please don't go to him, he said he hates ladies coming to him until he comes to meet them himself. Please excuse me. Can you wait a while here while I remind him of our discussion last night. I don't want him to suspect anything." I pleaded.

" Alright, just give me a call and I will come out okay?? " she waved as I walked out of the restroom and dashed towards Paul.

" Hi baby, I know you are angry about yesterday. I am very sorry, I promise you that it won't happen again. Please forgive me." Paul said going on his knees.

" No--no--no don't i am not angry. Please get up" I said quickly pulling Paul up, I was scared that Mary might see us.
" I need a favour from you please" I pleaded with those puppy girly eyes of mine.

" what's that?" Paul asked

" I want you to ask Mary out for the entertainment turn up party. Please". I held his hand as I pleaded.

" No way I aam going to do that. Its just going to be an akward party for me. I was planning on asking you to.."

"No don't ask me. I won't be available, I promise you, if you ask Mary out for the turn up party. We would officially start our first date this weekend." I begged him and he finally agreed. I was glad and overwhelmed even if I felt easy and cheap for declaring an official date when I had not known him well. He kissed me again on my forehead and I dashed quickly to my seat as I called Mary.

Mary came out of the toilet and went to seat without looking at anyone. All through the day I expected Paul to stand up and ask Mary out. Instead he focused on his work without even once glancing at Mary. I began to panic again as I saw Mary looking at me every now and then as she also turned to look at Paul. It was already work hours over but Paul didn't even make a move. As I was about to approach Paul he immediately stood up and asked Mary to the party without even smiling . I saw her blush and wink severally at me and I wondered if she even noticed his cold expression .

I tightened my fist on my bag walking out of the office and planning how to make tomorrow a great day for myself when a lady approached me smiling.

" Are you coming for the turn up party tomorrow with anyone ?" she asked clutching to my hands.

" I am not even coming myself" I answered unaffected by her clutch.

" Do you know that if you don't attend the turn up party you would lose your job here" She said to me surprised that I hadn't known.

"What !!! I don't even have a nice ball party gown to wear to the party or who to go with" I exclaimed with pressure written all over my face.

" Don't worry about that. I am designer and my sister is a fashionista. Here, have our complementary card, come to our apartment by seven o'clock sharp before the party and we will do the needful. Trust me you would look so stunning and its not necessary to go with anyone, you can possibly go alone. By the way my name is kara, catch you up some other time. " Kara said as she winked and hastily left for the bus.

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