Chapter 3

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Just then a young man walked up to us demanding that I should stand..  The young man moved close to us and a pretty lady in her early twenties stood behind him folding her arms.
" Why did you raise an alarm?" The man asked frowning hard and my body froze as I got terrified, he wore an angry and strange look. I couldn't open my mouth to utter a word, I just froze not lifting my eyes.
" Who is she" I heard his domineering voice asking as he turned towards Paul and Mary.
" she- she- she is the new receptionist" Mary quivered as she spoke. The young man did not say anything after then. I heard the tiny voice of the lady beside him say.
" Mr Ray just leave her alone dear... she probably needs therapy,  you know that's how low people act. I beg on her behalf" the lady said smiling evily.
" If she needs  therapy then why is she here. I will see to that" Ray said and walked away leaving me in both shock and anger but as they turned their back I grasp my chair because lady's back view seemed soo... familiar. I remember seeing this back dashing out when Catherine was dying.  I couldn't put the pieces together, I could only steer and cry. Mary walked up to me in her sweet and
Convincing voice again and asked
" Are you okay??"
" who are they"i said as my eyes followed their silhouette.
" Theyyy.. Mr Ray owns this industry and eight more in and beyond this city and for the lady, She's lady Jane. Mr Ray's fiancee and the founder of the paper industry. " Mary said graciously and a part in me rejoiced that I hadn't accepted that offer from the paper industry. I couldn't imagine my self working under a lady like  lady Jane who really seemed proud and arrogant coupled with way they spoke about me needing a therapist genuinely further annoyed me. I noticed Mary steering intently at me as if trying to read my thought and I felt very uncomfortable.  Mary reminded me so.. much of Catherine, she gives me goosebumps by just steering at her just like Catherine does.
" it's 12:00pm already, I guess you would be needing lunch now you go upstairs to get food, I will stand in for you, so when you are done eating, you stand in for me while I go take lunch okay?" Mary said smiling brightly.

"  Okay" and was about to walk away when I heard Mary's soft voice call again. " yeah!" I answered.

" Don't feel too happy because what just happened now about Mr Ray and your scream could make you lose this job. So you have to work hard and prove to him you deserve this job real well" Mary added as she chuckled.

I walked away feeling somewhat happy because I actually needed some space and air to calm my nerves and aside that my intestine cried for food within me for I haven't eaten since the day before night. I sat on the lunch table as a waiter walked up to me.

" what would you like to order" He said bowing his head.

" rice and chicken rolls Is fine." I answered him and he walked away as my mind deviated to the new strategy I was putting on to win Mr Ray's heart in accepting  me to work. Then I heard a lady scream out the name joana. I felt petrified and was afraid to turn back and discover who the person was, I was scared she was from my past life. I was supposed to be called belina here and  not joana. As I turned to finally accept my fate and challenge whoever it was, instead the man moved towards another lady and he called her joana. I was relived that it wasn't me. I began thinking of a way to make Mr Ray know that I was normal and that I don't need therapy at all. I didn't want to be dismissed from here. The pay was very high and I had worked too hard to secure a place here plus I didn't want to go back to the paper industry, the thought of working  under that proud lady jane irritated me so...much as she had no decency. How could she have called me a low life lady who needs therapy. Like she herself doesn't need one to reset her brain.

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